Commit 4a11afa6 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson Committed by Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Detect some cases of reading uninitialized private variables

parent 4d4bb4aa
......@@ -5890,6 +5890,8 @@ class ParallelStatNode(StatNode, ParallelNode):
def analyse_expressions(self, env):
def analyse_sharing_attributes(self, env):
......@@ -5995,6 +5997,31 @@ class ParallelStatNode(StatNode, ParallelNode):
code.putln("%s = %s;" % (cname, entry.cname))
entry.cname = cname
def check_use_unitialized_privates(self):
This checks for uninitialized private variables, it's far from
fool-proof as it does not take control flow into account, nor
assignment to a variable as both the lhs and rhs. So it detects only
cases like this:
for i in prange(10, nogil=True):
var = x # error, x is private and read before assigned
x = i
from Cython.Compiler import ParseTreeTransforms
transform = ParseTreeTransforms.FindUninitializedParallelVars()
for entry, pos in transform.used_vars:
if entry in self.privates:
assignment_pos, op = self.assignments[entry]
# Reading reduction variables is valid (in fact necessary)
# before assignment
if not op and pos < assignment_pos:
error(pos, "Private variable referenced before assignment")
def declare_closure_privates(self, code):
Set self.privates to a dict mapping C variable names that are to be
......@@ -6032,10 +6059,6 @@ class ParallelWithBlockNode(ParallelStatNode):
nogil_check = None
def analyse_expressions(self, env):
super(ParallelWithBlockNode, self).analyse_expressions(env)
def generate_execution_code(self, code):
......@@ -6156,7 +6179,6 @@ class ParallelRangeNode(ParallelStatNode):
self.index_type = PyrexTypes.widest_numeric_type(
self.index_type, node.type)
super(ParallelRangeNode, self).analyse_expressions(env)
if self.else_clause is not None:
......@@ -6169,6 +6191,7 @@ class ParallelRangeNode(ParallelStatNode):
self.assignments[] =, None
super(ParallelRangeNode, self).analyse_expressions(env)
def nogil_check(self, env):
names = 'start', 'stop', 'step', 'target'
......@@ -2273,6 +2273,24 @@ class TransformBuiltinMethods(EnvTransform):
return node
class FindUninitializedParallelVars(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
This transform isn't part of the pipeline, it simply finds all references
to variables in parallel blocks.
def __init__(self):
CythonTransform.__init__(self, None)
self.used_vars = []
def visit_ParallelStatNode(self, node):
return node
def visit_NameNode(self, node):
self.used_vars.append((node.entry, node.pos))
return node
class DebugTransform(CythonTransform):
Write debug information for this Cython module.
......@@ -39,7 +39,24 @@ class MarkAssignments(CythonTransform):
if self.parallel_block_stack:
parallel_node = self.parallel_block_stack[-1]
parallel_node.assignments[lhs.entry] = (lhs.pos, inplace_op)
previous_assignment = parallel_node.assignments.get(lhs.entry)
# If there was a previous assignment to the variable, keep the
# previous assignment position
if previous_assignment:
pos, previous_inplace_op = previous_assignment
if (inplace_op and previous_inplace_op and
inplace_op != previous_inplace_op):
# x += y; x *= y
t = (inplace_op, previous_inplace_op)
"Reduction operator '%s' is inconsistent "
"with previous reduction operator '%s'" % t)
pos = lhs.pos
parallel_node.assignments[lhs.entry] = (pos, inplace_op)
elif isinstance(lhs, ExprNodes.SequenceNode):
for arg in lhs.args:
......@@ -39,6 +39,26 @@ with nogil, cython.parallel.parallel():
with nogil, cython.parallel.parallel:
cdef int y
# this is not valid
for i in prange(10, nogil=True):
i = y * 4
y = i
# this is valid
for i in prange(10, nogil=True):
y = i
i = y * 4
y = i
with nogil, cython.parallel.parallel():
i = y
y = i
for i in prange(10, nogil=True):
y += i
y *= i
_ERRORS = u"""
e_cython_parallel.pyx:3:8: cython.parallel.parallel is not a module
e_cython_parallel.pyx:4:0: No such directive: cython.parallel.something
......@@ -53,4 +73,7 @@ e_cython_parallel.pyx:30:9: Can only iterate over an iteration variable
e_cython_parallel.pyx:33:10: Must be of numeric type, not int *
e_cython_parallel.pyx:36:33: Closely nested 'with parallel:' blocks are disallowed
e_cython_parallel.pyx:39:12: The parallel directive must be called
e_cython_parallel.pyx:45:10: Private variable referenced before assignment
e_cython_parallel.pyx:55:9: Private variable referenced before assignment
e_cython_parallel.pyx:60:6: Reduction operator '*' is inconsistent with previous reduction operator '+'
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