Commit 53c3e2bf authored by PaulPrescod's avatar PaulPrescod

pyximport for compiling .pyx files on import

parent cc77438d
Metadata-Version: 1.0
Name: pyximport
Version: 1.0
Summary: Hooks to build and run Pyrex files as if they were simple Python files
Author: Paul Prescod
License: Python
Description: UNKNOWN
Keywords: pyrex import hook
Platform: UNKNOWN
== Pyximport ==
Download: pyx-import-1.0.tar.gz
Pyrex is a compiler. Therefore it is natural that people tend to go
through an edit/compile/test cycle with Pyrex modules. But my personal
opinion is that one of the deep insights in Python's implementation is
that a language can be compiled (Python modules are compiled to .pyc)
files and hide that compilation process from the end-user so that they
do not have to worry about it. Pyximport does this for Pyrex modules.
For instance if you write a Pyrex module called "foo.pyx", with
Pyximport you can import it in a regular Python module like this:
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import foo
Doing so will result in the compilation of foo.pyx (with appropriate
exceptions if it has an error in it).
If you would always like to import pyrex files without building them
specially, you can also the first line above to your
That will install the hook every time you run Python. Then you can use
Pyrex modules just with simple import statements. I like to test my
Pyrex modules like this:
python -c "import foo"
== Dependency Handling ==
In Pyximport 1.1 it is possible to declare that your module depends on
multiple files, (likely ".h" and ".pxd" files). If your Pyrex module is
named "foo" and thus has the filename "foo.pyx" then you should make
another file in the same directory called "foo.pyxdep". The
"modname.pyxdep" file can be a list of filenames or "globs" (like
"*.pxd" or "include/*.h"). Each filename or glob must be on a separate
line. Pyximport will check the file date for each of those files before
deciding whether to rebuild the module. In order to keep track of the
fact that the dependency has been handled, Pyximport updates the
modification time of your ".pyx" source file. Future versions may do
something more sophisticated like informing distutils of the
dependencies directly.
== Limitations ==
Pyximport does not give you any control over how your Pyrex file is
compiled. Usually the defaults are fine. You might run into problems if
you wanted to write your program in half-C, half-Pyrex and build them
into a single library. Pyximport 1.2 will probably do this.
Pyximport does not hide the Distutils/GCC warnings and errors generated
by the import process. Arguably this will give you better feedback if
something went wrong and why. And if nothing went wrong it will give you
the warm fuzzy that pyximport really did rebuild your module as it was
supposed to.
== For further thought and discussion ==
I don't think that Python's "reload" will do anything for changed .SOs
on some (all?) platforms. It would require some (easy) experimentation
that I haven't gotten around to. But reload is rarely used in
applications outside of the Python interactive interpreter and certainly
not used much for C extension modules. Info about Windows
" install" does not modify for you. Should it?
Modifying Python's "standard interpreter" behaviour may be more than
most people expect of a package they install..
Pyximport puts your ".c" file beside your ".pyx" file (analogous to
".pyc" beside ".py"). But it puts the platform-specific binary in a
build directory as per normal for Distutils. If I could wave a magic
wand and get Pyrex or distutils or whoever to put the build directory I
might do it but not necessarily: having it at the top level is VERY
HELPFUL for debugging Pyrex problems.
from distutils.core import setup
import sys, os
from StringIO import StringIO
if "sdist" in sys.argv:
except (IOError, OSError):
import html2text
out = StringIO()
html2text.convert_files(open("index.html"), out)
open("README", "w").write(out.getvalue())
name = "pyximport",
fullname = "Pyrex Import Hooks",
version = "1.0",
description = "Hooks to build and run Pyrex files as if they were simple Python files",
author = "Paul Prescod",
author_email = "",
url = "",
license = "Python",
keywords = "pyrex import hook",
scripts = ["pyxrun"],
data_files = [("examples/multi_file_extension",
["README", "ccode.c", "test.pyx", "test.pyxbld"]),
["README", "test.pyx", "test.pyxdep", "header.h",
"header2.h", "header3.h", "header4.h"])
py_modules = ["pyximport", "pyxbuild"])
"""Build a Pyrex file from .pyx source to .so loadable module using
the installed distutils infrastructure. Call:
out_fname = pyx_to_dll("foo.pyx")
import os, md5
import distutils
from distutils.dist import Distribution
from distutils.errors import DistutilsArgError, DistutilsError, CCompilerError
from distutils.extension import Extension
from distutils.util import grok_environment_error
from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
import shutil
def pyx_to_dll(filename, ext = None, force_rebuild = 0):
"""Compile a PYX file to a DLL and return the name of the generated .so
or .dll ."""
assert os.path.exists(filename)
path, name = os.path.split(filename)
if not ext:
modname, extension = os.path.splitext(name)
assert extension == ".pyx", extension
ext = Extension(name=modname, sources=[filename])
quiet = "--verbose"
quiet = "--quiet"
args = [quiet, "build_ext"]
if force_rebuild:
dist = Distribution({"script_name": None, "script_args": args})
if not dist.ext_modules:
dist.ext_modules = []
dist.cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}
build = dist.get_command_obj('build')
build.build_base = os.path.join(path, "_pyxbld")
ok = dist.parse_command_line()
except DistutilsArgError, msg:
print "options (after parsing command line):"
assert ok
return dist.get_command_obj("build_ext").get_outputs()[0]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise SystemExit, "interrupted"
except (IOError, os.error), exc:
error = grok_environment_error(exc)
sys.stderr.write(error + "\n")
raise SystemExit, error
except (DistutilsError,
CCompilerError), msg:
raise SystemExit, "error: " + str(msg)
if __name__=="__main__":
import test
Import hooks; when installed (with the install()) function, these hooks
allow importing .pyx files as if they were Python modules.
If you want the hook installed every time you run Python
you can add it to your Python version by adding these lines to (which you can create from scratch in site-packages
if it doesn't exist there are somewhere else on your python path)
import pyximport
For instance on the Mac with Python 2.3 built from CVS, you could
create with only those two lines at
/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/ .
Running this module as a top-level script will run a test and then print
the documentation.
This code was modeled on Quixote's ptl_import.
import sys, os, shutil
import imp, ihooks, glob, md5
import __builtin__
import pyxbuild
from distutils.dep_util import newer
from distutils.extension import Extension
mod_name = "pyximport"
assert sys.hexversion >= 0x20000b1, "need Python 2.0b1 or later"
PYX_EXT = ".pyx"
PYXDEP_EXT = ".pyxdep"
PYXBLD_EXT = ".pyxbld"
_test_files = []
class PyxHooks (ihooks.Hooks):
"""Import hook that declares our suffixes. Let install() install it."""
def get_suffixes (self):
# add our suffixes
return imp.get_suffixes() + [(PYX_EXT, "r", PYX_FILE_TYPE)]
# Performance problem: for every PYX file that is imported, we will
# invoke the whole distutils infrastructure even if the module is
# already built. It might be more efficient to only do it when the
# mod time of the .pyx is newer than the mod time of the .so but
# the question is how to get distutils to tell me the name of the .so
# before it builds it. Maybe it is easy...but maybe the peformance
# issue isn't real.
def _load_pyrex(name, filename):
"Load a pyrex file given a name and filename."
def get_distutils_extension(modname, pyxfilename):
extra = "_" + md5.md5(open(pyxfilename).read()).hexdigest()
modname = modname + extra
extension_mod = handle_special_build(modname, pyxfilename)
if not extension_mod:
extension_mod = Extension(name = modname, sources=[pyxfilename])
return extension_mod
def handle_special_build(modname, pyxfilename):
special_build = os.path.splitext(pyxfilename)[0] + PYXBLD_EXT
if not os.path.exists(special_build):
ext = None
globls = {}
locs = {}
# execfile(special_build, globls, locs)
# ext = locs["make_ext"](modname, pyxfilename)
mod = imp.load_source("XXXX", special_build, open(special_build))
ext = mod.make_ext(modname, pyxfilename)
assert ext and ext.sources, ("make_ext in %s did not return Extension"
% special_build)
ext.sources = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(special_build), source)
for source in ext.sources]
return ext
def handle_dependencies(pyxfilename):
dependfile = os.path.splitext(pyxfilename)[0] + PYXDEP_EXT
# by default let distutils decide whether to rebuild on its own
# (it has a better idea of what the output file will be)
# but we know more about dependencies so force a rebuild if
# some of the dependencies are newer than the pyxfile.
if os.path.exists(dependfile):
depends = open(dependfile).readlines()
depends = [depend.strip() for depend in depends]
# gather dependencies in the "files" variable
# the dependency file is itself a dependency
files = [dependfile]
for depend in depends:
fullpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dependfile),
# only for unit testing to see we did the right thing
_test_files[:] = []
# if any file that the pyxfile depends upon is newer than
# the pyx file, 'touch' the pyx file so that distutils will
# be tricked into rebuilding it.
for file in files:
if newer(file, pyxfilename):
print "Rebuilding because of ", file
filetime = os.path.getmtime(file)
os.utime(pyxfilename, (filetime, filetime))
def build_module(name, pyxfilename):
assert os.path.exists(pyxfilename), (
"Path does not exist: %s" % pyxfilename)
extension_mod = get_distutils_extension(name, pyxfilename)
so_path = pyxbuild.pyx_to_dll(pyxfilename, extension_mod)
assert os.path.exists(so_path), "Cannot find: %s" % so_path
junkpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(so_path), name+"_*")
junkstuff = glob.glob(junkpath)
for path in junkstuff:
if path!=so_path:
except IOError:
print "Couldn't remove ", path
return so_path
def load_module(name, pyxfilename):
so_path = build_module(name, pyxfilename)
mod = imp.load_dynamic(name, so_path)
assert mod.__file__ == so_path, (mod.__file__, so_path)
return mod
class PyxLoader (ihooks.ModuleLoader):
"""Load a module. It checks whether a file is a .pyx and returns it.
Otherwise it lets the ihooks base class handle it. Let install()
install it."""
def load_module (self, name, stuff):
# If it's a Pyrex file, load it specially.
if stuff[2][2] == PYX_FILE_TYPE:
file, pyxfilename, info = stuff
(suff, mode, type) = info
if file:
return load_module(name, pyxfilename)
# Otherwise, use the default handler for loading
return ihooks.ModuleLoader.load_module( self, name, stuff)
import cimport
except ImportError:
cimport = None
class cModuleImporter(ihooks.ModuleImporter):
"""This was just left in from the Quixote implementation. I think
it allows a performance enhancement if you have the cimport module
from Quixote. Let install() install it."""
def __init__(self, loader=None):
self.loader = loader or ihooks.ModuleLoader()
def find_import_module(self, fullname, subname, path):
stuff = self.loader.find_module(subname, path)
if not stuff:
return None
return self.loader.load_module(fullname, stuff)
def install(self):
self.save_import_module = __builtin__.__import__
self.save_reload = __builtin__.reload
if not hasattr(__builtin__, 'unload'):
__builtin__.unload = None
self.save_unload = __builtin__.unload
__builtin__.__import__ = cimport.import_module
__builtin__.reload = cimport.reload_module
__builtin__.unload = self.unload
_installed = 0
def install():
"""Main entry point. call this to install the import hook in your
for a single Python process. If you want it to be installed whenever
you use Python, add it to your sitecustomize (as described above).
global _installed
if not _installed:
hooks = PyxHooks()
loader = PyxLoader(hooks)
if cimport is not None:
importer = cModuleImporter(loader)
importer = ihooks.ModuleImporter(loader)
_installed = 1
def on_remove_file_error(func, path, excinfo):
print "Sorry! Could not remove a temp file:", path
print "Extra information."
print func, excinfo
print "You may want to delete this yourself when you get a chance."
def show_docs():
import __main__
__main__.__name__ = mod_name
for name in dir(__main__):
item = getattr(__main__, name)
setattr(item, "__module__", mod_name)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import os, sys
import time, shutil
import tempfile
def make_tempdir():
tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "pyrex_temp")
if os.path.exists(tempdir):
return tempdir
def remove_tempdir(tempdir):
shutil.rmtree(tempdir, 0, on_remove_file_error)
def on_remove_file_error(func, path, excinfo):
print "Sorry! Could not remove a temp file:", path
print "Extra information."
print func, excinfo
print "You may want to delete this yourself when you get a chance."
def test():
tempdir = make_tempdir()
filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "dummy.pyx")
open(filename, "w").write("print 'Hello world from the Pyrex install hook'")
import dummy
depend_filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "dummy.pyxdep")
depend_file = open(depend_filename, "w")
build_filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "dummy.pyxbld")
build_file = open(build_filename, "w")
from distutils.extension import Extension
def make_ext(name, filename):
return Extension(name=name, sources=[filename])
open(os.path.join(tempdir, ""), "w").write(" ")
open(os.path.join(tempdir, "1.txt"), "w").write(" ")
open(os.path.join(tempdir, "abc.txt"), "w").write(" ")
assert len(pyximport._test_files)==1, pyximport._test_files
time.sleep(1) # sleep a second to get safer mtimes
open(os.path.join(tempdir, "abc.txt"), "w").write(" ")
print "Here goes the reolad"
assert len(pyximport._test_files) == 1, pyximport._test_files
assert len(pyximport._test_files) ==0, pyximport._test_files
if __name__=="__main__":
# reload seems to work for Python 2.3 but not 2.2.
import time, os, sys
import test_pyximport
# debugging the 2.2 problem
if 1:
from distutils import sysconfig
except AttributeError:
import pyxbuild
print pyxbuild.distutils.sysconfig == sysconfig
def test():
tempdir = test_pyximport.make_tempdir()
hello_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "hello.pyx")
open(hello_file, "w").write("x = 1; print x; before = 'before'\n")
import hello
assert hello.x == 1
time.sleep(1) # sleep to make sure that new "hello.pyx" has later
# timestamp than object file.
open(hello_file, "w").write("x = 2; print x; after = 'after'\n")
assert hello.x == 2, "Reload should work on Python 2.3 but not 2.2"
if __name__=="__main__":
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