Commit 59d44445 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

fix compiler crash in type inference if we cannot determine the type of the indexing offset

parent d4b42be1
......@@ -1960,7 +1960,8 @@ class IndexNode(ExprNode):
# any better than this:
return py_object_type
if self.index.infer_type(env).is_int or isinstance(self.index, (IntNode, LongNode)):
index_type = self.index.infer_type(env)
if index_type and index_type.is_int or isinstance(self.index, (IntNode, LongNode)):
# indexing!
if base_type is unicode_type:
# Py_UNICODE will automatically coerce to a unicode string
......@@ -1973,6 +1974,7 @@ class IndexNode(ExprNode):
return PyrexTypes.c_py_unicode_type
elif base_type.is_ptr or base_type.is_array:
return base_type.base_type
if base_type is unicode_type:
# this type always returns its own type on Python indexing/slicing
return base_type
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