Commit 5f543e62 authored by Dag Sverre Seljebotn's avatar Dag Sverre Seljebotn

Merge of buffer test case (forgot to commit it earlier)

parents be51c0a5 c2c1596c
from Cython.TestUtils import CythonTest
import Cython.Compiler.Errors as Errors
from Cython.Compiler.Nodes import *
from Cython.Compiler.ParseTreeTransforms import *
class TestBufferParsing(CythonTest):
# First, we only test the raw parser, i.e.
# the number and contents of arguments are NOT checked.
# However "dtype"/the first positional argument is special-cased
# to parse a type argument rather than an expression
def parse(self, s):
return self.should_not_fail(lambda: self.fragment(s)).root
def not_parseable(self, expected_error, s):
e = self.should_fail(lambda: self.fragment(s), Errors.CompileError)
self.assertEqual(expected_error, e.message_only)
def test_basic(self):
t = self.parse(u"cdef object[float, 4, ndim=2, foo=foo] x")
bufnode = t.stats[0].base_type
self.assert_(isinstance(bufnode, CBufferAccessTypeNode))
self.assertEqual(2, len(bufnode.positional_args))
# print bufnode.dump()
# should put more here...
def test_type_fail(self):
self.not_parseable("Expected: type",
u"cdef object[2] x")
def test_type_pos(self):
self.parse(u"cdef object[short unsigned int, 3] x")
def test_type_keyword(self):
self.parse(u"cdef object[foo=foo, dtype=short unsigned int] x")
def test_notype_as_expr1(self):
self.not_parseable("Expected: expression",
u"cdef object[foo2=short unsigned int] x")
def test_notype_as_expr2(self):
self.not_parseable("Expected: expression",
u"cdef object[int, short unsigned int] x")
def test_pos_after_key(self):
self.not_parseable("Non-keyword arg following keyword arg",
u"cdef object[foo=1, 2] x")
class TestBufferOptions(CythonTest):
# Tests the full parsing of the options within the brackets
def parse_opts(self, opts):
s = u"cdef object[%s] x" % opts
root = self.fragment(s, pipeline=[PostParse(self)]).root
buftype = root.stats[0].base_type
self.assert_(isinstance(buftype, CBufferAccessTypeNode))
self.assert_(isinstance(buftype.base_type_node, CSimpleBaseTypeNode))
return buftype
def non_parse(self, expected_err, opts):
e = self.should_fail(lambda: self.parse_opts(opts))
self.assertEqual(expected_err, e.message_only)
def test_basic(self):
buf = self.parse_opts(u"unsigned short int, 3")
self.assert_(isinstance(buf.dtype, CSimpleBaseTypeNode))
self.assert_(buf.dtype.signed == 0 and buf.dtype.longness == -1)
self.assertEqual(3, buf.ndim)
def test_dict(self):
buf = self.parse_opts(u"ndim=3, dtype=unsigned short int")
self.assert_(isinstance(buf.dtype, CSimpleBaseTypeNode))
self.assert_(buf.dtype.signed == 0 and buf.dtype.longness == -1)
self.assertEqual(3, buf.ndim)
def test_dtype(self):
self.non_parse(ERR_BUF_MISSING % 'dtype', u"")
def test_ndim(self):
self.parse_opts(u"int, 2")
self.non_parse(ERR_BUF_INT % 'ndim', u"int, 'a'")
self.non_parse(ERR_BUF_NONNEG % 'ndim', u"int, -34")
def test_use_DEF(self):
t = self.fragment(u"""
DEF ndim = 3
cdef object[int, ndim] x
cdef object[ndim=ndim, dtype=int] y
""", pipeline=[PostParse(self)]).root
self.assert_(t.stats[1].base_type.ndim == 3)
self.assert_(t.stats[2].base_type.ndim == 3)
# add exotic and impossible combinations as they come along
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