Commit 621e0356 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Update changelog.

parent ec89eb9e
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ Features added
with PEP-492, it improves the interoperability with old-style coroutines that
use ``yield from`` instead of ``await``.
* The IPython magic has preliminary support for JupyterLab.
(Github issue #1775)
* The new TSS C-API in CPython 3.7 is supported and has been backported.
Patch by Naotoshi Seo. (Github issue #1932)
......@@ -109,6 +112,8 @@ Bugs fixed
* The signature of the special ``__richcmp__()`` method was corrected to recognise
the type of the first argument as ``self``. It was previously treated as plain
object, but CPython actually guarantees that it always has the correct type.
Note: this can change the semantics of user code that previously relied on
``self`` being untyped.
* Some Python 3 exceptions were not recognised as builtins when running Cython
under Python 2.
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