Commit 79dd6edd authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Fix make repo.

parent 739e97dc
......@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ local:
.git: REV := $(shell cat .gitrev)
.git: TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d tmprepo.XXXXXX)
rm -rf $(TMPDIR)
git clone $(REPO) $(TMPDIR)
cd $(TMPDIR); git checkout -b working $(REV)
mv $(TMPDIR)/{.git,.hgtags,.hgignore} .
mv $(TMPDIR)/.hgtags .
mv $(TMPDIR)/.hgignore .
mv $(TMPDIR)/.git .
mv $(TMPDIR)/Doc/s5 Doc/s5
rm -rf $(TMPDIR)
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