Commit 9ed3e0d8 authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Updated cythonize.

parent 831ce22f
......@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Faster code via static typing
Cython is a Python compiler. This means that it can compile normal
Python code without changes (with a few obvious exceptions of some as-yet
unsupported language features). However, for performance critical
code, it is often helpful to add static type declarations, as they
will allow Cython to step out of the dynamic nature of the Python code
and generate simpler and faster C code - sometimes faster by orders of
unsupported language features, see :ref:`Cython limitations<cython-limitations>`).
However, for performance critical code, it is often helpful to add
static type declarations, as they will allow Cython to step out of the
dynamic nature of the Python code and generate simpler and faster C code
- sometimes faster by orders of magnitude.
It must be noted, however, that type declarations can make the source
code more verbose and thus less readable. It is therefore discouraged
......@@ -146,4 +146,10 @@ of ``f`` is known to be a C double.) A notable exception, however, is
*integer types used in arithmetic expressions*, as Cython is unable to ensure
that an overflow would not occur (and so falls back to ``object`` in case
Python's bignums are needed). To allow inference of C integer types, set the
``infer_types`` :ref:`directive <compiler-directives>` to ``True``.
``infer_types`` :ref:`directive <compiler-directives>` to ``True``. This directive
does a work similar to the ``auto`` keyword in C++ for the readers who are familliar
with this language feature. It can be of great help to cut down on the need to type
everything, but it also can lead to surprises. Especially if one isn't familiar with
arithmetic expressions with c types. A quick overview of those
can be found `here <>`_.
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