Commit a0ede829 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

extend switch transform to not-in tests, some refactoring

parent 628d4d97
......@@ -507,7 +507,9 @@ class SwitchTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform):
The requirement is that every clause be an (or of) var == value, where the var
is common among all clauses and both var and value are ints.
def extract_conditions(self, cond):
NO_MATCH = (None, None, None)
def extract_conditions(self, cond, allow_not_in):
while True:
if isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.CoerceToTempNode):
cond = cond.arg
......@@ -519,51 +521,80 @@ class SwitchTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform):
if (isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.PrimaryCmpNode)
and cond.cascade is None
and cond.operator == '=='
and not cond.is_python_comparison()):
if is_common_value(cond.operand1, cond.operand1):
if cond.operand2.is_literal:
return cond.operand1, [cond.operand2]
elif getattr(cond.operand2, 'entry', None) and cond.operand2.entry.is_const:
return cond.operand1, [cond.operand2]
if is_common_value(cond.operand2, cond.operand2):
if cond.operand1.is_literal:
return cond.operand2, [cond.operand1]
elif getattr(cond.operand1, 'entry', None) and cond.operand1.entry.is_const:
return cond.operand2, [cond.operand1]
elif (isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.BoolBinopNode)
and cond.operator == 'or'):
t1, c1 = self.extract_conditions(cond.operand1)
t2, c2 = self.extract_conditions(cond.operand2)
if is_common_value(t1, t2):
return t1, c1+c2
return None, None
def extract_common_conditions(self, common_var, condition):
var, conditions = self.extract_conditions(condition)
if isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.PrimaryCmpNode):
if cond.cascade is None and not cond.is_python_comparison():
if cond.operator == '==':
not_in = False
elif allow_not_in and cond.operator == '!=':
not_in = True
return self.NO_MATCH
# this looks somewhat silly, but it does the right
# checks for NameNode and AttributeNode
if is_common_value(cond.operand1, cond.operand1):
if cond.operand2.is_literal:
return not_in, cond.operand1, [cond.operand2]
elif getattr(cond.operand2, 'entry', None) \
and cond.operand2.entry.is_const:
return not_in, cond.operand1, [cond.operand2]
if is_common_value(cond.operand2, cond.operand2):
if cond.operand1.is_literal:
return not_in, cond.operand2, [cond.operand1]
elif getattr(cond.operand1, 'entry', None) \
and cond.operand1.entry.is_const:
return not_in, cond.operand2, [cond.operand1]
elif isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.BoolBinopNode):
if cond.operator == 'or' or (allow_not_in and cond.operator == 'and'):
allow_not_in = (cond.operator == 'and')
not_in_1, t1, c1 = self.extract_conditions(cond.operand1, allow_not_in)
not_in_2, t2, c2 = self.extract_conditions(cond.operand2, allow_not_in)
if t1 is not None and not_in_1 == not_in_2 and is_common_value(t1, t2):
if (not not_in_1) or allow_not_in:
return not_in_1, t1, c1+c2
return self.NO_MATCH
def extract_common_conditions(self, common_var, condition, allow_not_in):
not_in, var, conditions = self.extract_conditions(condition, allow_not_in)
if var is None:
return None, None
return self.NO_MATCH
elif common_var is not None and not is_common_value(var, common_var):
return None, None
return self.NO_MATCH
elif not var.type.is_int or sum([not cond.type.is_int for cond in conditions]):
return None, None
return var, conditions
return self.NO_MATCH
return not_in, var, conditions
def has_duplicate_values(self, condition_values):
# duplicated values don't work in a switch statement
seen = set()
for value in condition_values:
if value.constant_result is not ExprNodes.not_a_constant:
if value.constant_result in seen:
return True
# this isn't completely safe as we don't know the
# final C value, but this is about the best we can do
seen.add(getattr(getattr(value, 'entry', None), 'cname'))
return False
def visit_IfStatNode(self, node):
common_var = None
cases = []
for if_clause in node.if_clauses:
common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions(
common_var, if_clause.condition)
_, common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions(
common_var, if_clause.condition, False)
if common_var is None:
return node
cases.append(Nodes.SwitchCaseNode(pos = if_clause.pos,
conditions = conditions,
body = if_clause.body))
if sum([ len(case.conditions) for case in cases ]) < 2:
return node
if self.has_duplicate_values(sum([case.conditions for case in cases], [])):
return node
common_var = unwrap_node(common_var)
......@@ -571,59 +602,51 @@ class SwitchTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform):
test = common_var,
cases = cases,
else_clause = node.else_clause)
return switch_node
def visit_CondExprNode(self, node):
common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions(None, node.test)
if common_var is None:
not_in, common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions(
None, node.test, True)
if common_var is None \
or len(conditions) < 2 \
or self.has_duplicate_values(conditions):
return node
if len(conditions) < 2:
return node
result_ref = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(node)
true_body = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(
lhs = result_ref,
rhs = node.true_val,
first = True)
false_body = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(
lhs = result_ref,
rhs = node.false_val,
first = True)
cases = [Nodes.SwitchCaseNode(pos = node.pos,
conditions = conditions,
body = true_body)]
common_var = unwrap_node(common_var)
switch_node = Nodes.SwitchStatNode(pos = node.pos,
test = common_var,
cases = cases,
else_clause = false_body)
return UtilNodes.TempResultFromStatNode(result_ref, switch_node)
return self.build_simple_switch_statement(
node, common_var, conditions, not_in,
node.true_val, node.false_val)
def visit_BoolBinopNode(self, node):
common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions(None, node)
if common_var is None:
return node
if len(conditions) < 2:
not_in, common_var, conditions = self.extract_common_conditions(
None, node, True)
if common_var is None \
or len(conditions) < 2 \
or self.has_duplicate_values(conditions):
return node
return self.build_simple_switch_statement(
node, common_var, conditions, not_in,
ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=True),
ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=False))
def build_simple_switch_statement(self, node, common_var, conditions,
not_in, true_val, false_val):
result_ref = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(node)
true_body = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(
lhs = result_ref,
rhs = ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=True),
rhs = true_val,
first = True)
false_body = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(
lhs = result_ref,
rhs = ExprNodes.BoolNode(node.pos, value=False),
rhs = false_val,
first = True)
if not_in:
true_body, false_body = false_body, true_body
cases = [Nodes.SwitchCaseNode(pos = node.pos,
conditions = conditions,
body = true_body)]
......@@ -633,7 +656,6 @@ class SwitchTransform(Visitor.VisitorTransform):
test = common_var,
cases = cases,
else_clause = false_body)
return UtilNodes.TempResultFromStatNode(result_ref, switch_node)
visit_Node = Visitor.VisitorTransform.recurse_to_children
cimport cython
def f(a,b):
>>> f(1,[1,2,3])
......@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@ def j(b):
result = 2 not in b
return result
def k(a):
>>> k(1)
......@@ -54,16 +58,86 @@ def k(a):
cdef int result = a not in [1,2,3,4]
return result
def m(int a):
def m_list(int a):
>>> m(2)
>>> m_list(2)
>>> m(5)
>>> m_list(5)
cdef int result = a not in [1,2,3,4]
return result
def m_tuple(int a):
>>> m_tuple(2)
>>> m_tuple(5)
cdef int result = a not in (1,2,3,4)
return result
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
def m_tuple_in_or_notin(int a):
>>> m_tuple_in_or_notin(2)
>>> m_tuple_in_or_notin(3)
>>> m_tuple_in_or_notin(5)
cdef int result = a not in (1,2,3,4) or a in (3,4)
return result
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
def m_tuple_notin_or_notin(int a):
>>> m_tuple_notin_or_notin(2)
>>> m_tuple_notin_or_notin(6)
>>> m_tuple_notin_or_notin(4)
cdef int result = a not in (1,2,3,4) or a not in (4,5)
return result
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def m_tuple_notin_and_notin(int a):
>>> m_tuple_notin_and_notin(2)
>>> m_tuple_notin_and_notin(6)
>>> m_tuple_notin_and_notin(5)
cdef int result = a not in (1,2,3,4) and a not in (6,7)
return result
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
def m_tuple_notin_and_notin_overlap(int a):
>>> m_tuple_notin_and_notin_overlap(2)
>>> m_tuple_notin_and_notin_overlap(4)
>>> m_tuple_notin_and_notin_overlap(5)
cdef int result = a not in (1,2,3,4) and a not in (3,4)
return result
def n(a):
>>> n('d *')
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