Commit cb2b3432 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

slight code simplification

parent f8409eec
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ cdef class ControlFlow:
cpdef mark_reference(self, node, entry)
cpdef normalize(self)
@cython.locals(offset=object, assmts=AssignmentList,
@cython.locals(bit=object, assmts=AssignmentList,
cpdef initialize(self)
......@@ -222,22 +222,21 @@ class ControlFlow(object):
"""Set initial state, map assignments to bits."""
self.assmts = {}
offset = 0
bit = 1
for entry in self.entries:
assmts = AssignmentList()
assmts.bit = 1 << offset
assmts.mask = assmts.bit
assmts.mask = assmts.bit = bit
self.assmts[entry] = assmts
offset += 1
bit <<= 1
for block in self.blocks:
for stat in block.stats:
if isinstance(stat, NameAssignment):
stat.bit = 1 << offset
stat.bit = bit
assmts = self.assmts[stat.entry]
assmts.mask |= stat.bit
offset += 1
assmts.mask |= bit
bit <<= 1
for block in self.blocks:
for entry, stat in block.gen.items():
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