1. 20 Apr, 2012 4 commits
  2. 19 Apr, 2012 3 commits
    • Tatuya Kamada's avatar
      Add a README to use varnish recipe. · e88c64c1
      Tatuya Kamada authored
    • Tatuya Kamada's avatar
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      Squashed commit of the following: · 98aa5dad
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      commit d42a85e53c313984de1dbeb7ca8eb432a5286c3a
      Author: Kazuhiko Shiozaki <kazuhiko@nexedi.com>
      Date:   Wed Apr 18 14:12:11 2012 +0200
          version up : Apache httpd 2.4.2.
      commit bbbd38c26ba87cf2b0fd2c17414c99fa84d36dbc
      Author: Kazuhiko Shiozaki <kazuhiko@nexedi.com>
      Date:   Fri Apr 13 12:41:47 2012 +0200
          version up : Python 2.7.3.
      commit 09de24474197a0650f8b67003007d295efe532d9
      Author: Kazuhiko Shiozaki <kazuhiko@nexedi.com>
      Date:   Wed Apr 11 18:09:08 2012 +0200
          follow the change of mariadb header location.
      commit ba53784a3d34f75a2f49c63b6f78f15c2758e48b
      Author: Kazuhiko Shiozaki <kazuhiko@nexedi.com>
      Date:   Wed Apr 11 18:06:10 2012 +0200
          add mroonga-2.01-mariadb-5.5.23.patch.
      commit 165486e2ce57e7a13b92b8d407b3e019b6e8b4fb
      Merge: afc2f29 783ed21b
      Author: Kazuhiko Shiozaki <kazuhiko@nexedi.com>
      Date:   Wed Apr 11 17:24:16 2012 +0200
          Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/erp5' into erp5-component
      commit afc2f2905faf0af1b938c664fa75a45cfb7ae7d5
  3. 17 Apr, 2012 2 commits
  4. 16 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  5. 13 Apr, 2012 4 commits
  6. 11 Apr, 2012 3 commits
  7. 10 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  8. 06 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  9. 05 Apr, 2012 7 commits
  10. 04 Apr, 2012 9 commits
  11. 03 Apr, 2012 2 commits
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      version up : JRE 6 update 31. download from java.com, because downloading from... · 833bb133
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      version up : JRE 6 update 31. download from java.com, because downloading from oracle.com requires user's interaction.
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      version up : Zope 2.12.23. · 529d7892
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      * Note end-of-life timeline: Zope 2.12.x is now in security-fix-only mode and will continue to see security updates until October 2013, the same as Python 2.6.x does.
      * Ensure that ObjectManager’s get and __getitem__ methods return only “items” (no attributes / methods from the class or from acquisition). Thanks to Richard Mitchell at Netsight for the report.
      * Updated distributions:
        * distribute = 0.6.24
        * Products.ZSQLMethods = 2.13.4
        * zope.catalog = 3.8.2
        * zope.componentvocabulary = 1.0.1
        * zope.datetime = 3.4.1
        * zope.deprecation = 3.4.1
        * zope.documenttemplate = 3.4.3
        * zope.index = 3.6.3
        * zope.keyreference = 3.6.4
        * zope.mkzeoinstance = 3.9.5
        * zope.session = 3.9.5
        * zope.testing = 3.9.7
  12. 02 Apr, 2012 3 commits