Commit b75b63b0 authored by Gabriel L. Oliveira's avatar Gabriel L. Oliveira

Fix unfoldDomain param and refactor search button

- Search form now works asynchronous, linked with listbox gadget
UNG main javascript take care of linking it to work
parent 5df0cbd9
......@@ -40,20 +40,19 @@
enctype string:multipart/form-data;\n
portal_path python:websection.absolute_url();\n
has_editor python: here.absolute_url() != portal_path;">\n
<a class="ung_docs" tal:attributes="href python: portal_path + \'/unfoldDomain?domain_url=ung_domain/all_documents&\' + \n
<a class="ung_docs" tal:attributes="href python: portal_path + \'/unfoldDomain?unfoldDomain=ung_domain/all_documents.0&\' + \n
\'form_id=erp5_web_ung_layout&\' + \n
\'list_selection_name=ung_document_list_selection&\' + \n
<img src="ung_images/ung-logo.gif">\n
<a id=\'loading_message\'>Loading...</a>\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: not has_editor">\n
<input type="text" name="field_your_search_text" class="field" \n
onkeyup="submitFormOnEnter(event, this.form, \'WebSection_viewSearchResultList\')"/>\n
<input type="submit" value="Search Docs" name="WebSection_viewSearchResultList:method"/>\n
<form class="search_box">\n
<input type="text" name="field_your_search_text" class="field" />\n
<input id=\'search_button\' tal:attributes="value python: here.Base_translateString(\'Search Docs\')"\n
type="submit" value="Search Docs"/> \n
</form> \n
</tal:block> \n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: has_editor">\n
<a name="document_title" tal:content="here/getTitle"/>\n
<a name="document_state" tal:content="here/getValidationStateTitle"/>\n
2011-07-01 gabriel.oliveira
* Fix unfoldDomain param and refactor search button
2011-07-01 gabriel.oliveira
* Refactor to self-close html tags
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