Commit fc836dc4 authored by Hardik Juneja's avatar Hardik Juneja Committed by hardikj

testXHTML: add pdf.js file to ignore list

parent 878e2475
......@@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ class TestXHTMLMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# some forms have intentionally empty listbox selections like RSS generators
FORM_LISTBOX_EMPTY_SELECTION_PATH_LIST = ['erp5_web_widget_library/WebSection_viewContentListAsRSS']
JSL_IGNORE_FILE_LIST = ('require.js','require.min.js','wz_dragdrop.js',
'pdf_js/build/pdf.js', 'pdf_js/build/pdf.worker.js',
'pdf_js/compatibility.js', 'pdf_js/debugger.js',
'pdf_js/viewer.js', 'pdf_js/l10n.js')
JSL_IGNORE_SKIN_LIST = ('erp5_ace_editor', 'erp5_code_mirror',
'erp5_fckeditor', 'erp5_jquery', 'erp5_jquery_ui',
'erp5_svg_editor', 'erp5_xinha_editor')
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