• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    gitlab-backup/restore: Review restoration commands + add way to actually run them on user request · 14ce9ff3
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    - don't start/stop services - we assume appropriate services start/stop
      will be done bu invoker, and tell people to do so via dumping proper
      comments. (Rationale: services are start/stopped differently on
      different systems, e.g. in omnibus and in slapos)
    - mv in repositories atomically with just 1 mv + fix case when there was
      no repositories/ previously at all.
    - adjust `gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore` with force=yes, so it does
      not interactively ask about whether ok to restore ssh keys - just do it.
    - add `-go` option to actually run gitlab restoration in addition to
      preparing backup files.
    /cc @kazuhiko
gitlab-backup 13.2 KB