• Jacob Schatz's avatar
    Merge branch 'arrow-nav-bug' into 'master' · 060c4a50
    Jacob Schatz authored
    Hide nav arrows by default
    ## What does this MR do?
    - Fixes the arrow icon flashing on page load
    - Removes settings dropdown at higher breakpoint
    - Removes unneeded CSS
    Closes #18941
    ## Screenshots (if relevant)
    Arrow flashing bug:
    Settings dropdown breaking nav:
    <img src="/uploads/4351035f4cf8cb9fd892b621e6339e50/Screen_Shot_2016-06-21_at_4.25.50_PM.png" width="800px">
    @alfredo1 would you mind double checking this to make sure the arrow flashing is definitely not happening?
    See merge request !4843
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