• Ciro Santilli's avatar
    Make Spinach test names consistent · fa349012
    Ciro Santilli authored
    - do not add Feature to feature titles
    - titleize feature titles
    - put steps on the same path as .feature files
    - make feature titles match their path
active_tab.feature 877 Bytes
Feature: Profile Active Tab
    Given I sign in as a user

  Scenario: On Profile Home
    Given I visit profile page
    Then the active main tab should be Home
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Profile Account
    Given I visit profile account page
    Then the active main tab should be Account
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Profile SSH Keys
    Given I visit profile SSH keys page
    Then the active main tab should be SSH Keys
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Profile Design
    Given I visit profile design page
    Then the active main tab should be Design
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Profile History
    Given I visit profile history page
    Then the active main tab should be History
    And no other main tabs should be active