Commit 07cca8cc authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Use release tool for monthly releases

Signed-off-by: default avatarDmitriy Zaporozhets <>
parent c6bc57c1
......@@ -143,35 +143,19 @@ Make sure the code quality indicators are green / good.
- [![Coverage Status](](
### **4. Set VERSION**
### **4. Run release tool**
Change version in VERSION to `x.x.0.rc1`.
### **5. Tag**
Create an annotated tag that points to the version change commit:
Get release tools
git tag -a vx.x.0.rc1 -m 'Version x.x.0.rc1'
git clone
cd release-tools
Tags should be created for both GitLab CE and GitLab EE. Don't forget to push tags to all remotes.
git push remote_name vx.x.0.rc1
### **6. Create stable branches**
For GitLab EE, append `-ee` to the branch.
Create release candidate and stable branch:
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b x-x-stable
git push <remote> x-x-stable
bundle exec rake release["x.x.0.rc1"]
Now developers can use master for merging new features.
......@@ -245,69 +229,45 @@ create an issue about it in order to discuss the next steps after the release.
# **22nd - Release CE and EE**
For GitLab EE, append `-ee` to the branches and tags.
Note: Merge CE into EE if needed.
**Make sure EE `x-x-stable-ee` has latest changes from CE `x-x-stable`**
### **1. Set VERSION to x.x.x and push**
- Change the GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION file in `master` of the CE repository if the version changed.
- Change the GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION file in `master` of the EE repository if the version changed.
- Change the VERSION file in `master` branch of the CE repository and commit and push to origin.
- Change the VERSION file in `master` branch of the EE repository and commit and push to origin.
### **1. Release code**
### **2. Update**
Update [](/doc/install/ to the newest version in master.
### **3. Push latest changes from x-x-stable branch to**
Get release tools
git checkout -b x-x-stable
git push origin x-x-stable
git clone
cd release-tools
### **4. Build the Omnibus packages**
Follow the [release doc in the Omnibus repository](
This can happen before tagging because Omnibus uses tags in its own repo and SHA1's to refer to the GitLab codebase.
### **5. Create annotated tag vx.x.x**
In `x-x-stable` branch check for the SHA-1 of the commit with VERSION file changed. Tag that commit,
Bump version, create release tag and push to remotes:
git tag -a vx.x.0 -m 'Version x.x.0' xxxxx
bundle exec rake release["x.x.0"]
where `xxxxx` is SHA-1.
### **6. Push the tag and x-x-stable branch to the remotes**
### **2. Update**
For GitLab CE, push to dev, and GitHub.
Update [](/doc/install/ to the newest version in master.
For GitLab EE, push to the subscribers repo.
Make sure the branch is marked 'protected' on each of the remotes you pushed to.
### **3. Build the Omnibus packages**
Follow the [release doc in the Omnibus repository](
This can happen before tagging because Omnibus uses tags in its own repo and SHA1's to refer to the GitLab codebase.
git push <remote> x-x-stable(-ee)
git push <remote> vx.x.0
### **7. Publish packages for new release**
### **4. Publish packages for new release**
Update `downloads/index.html` and `downloads/archive/index.html` in `www-gitlab-com` repository.
### **8. Publish blog for new release**
### **5. Publish blog for new release**
Merge the [blog merge request](#1-prepare-the-blog-post) in `www-gitlab-com` repository.
### **9. Tweet to blog**
### **6. Tweet to blog**
Send out a tweet to share the good news with the world.
List the most important features and link to the blog post.
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