Commit 76a17d4f authored by Grzegorz Bizon's avatar Grzegorz Bizon

Merge branch 'master' into ci/persist-registration-token

* master:
  Move CI admin builds and runners specs to correct directory
  Fix 500 when viewing specific runners on runners page
  Fix Ci::Project migration not migrating columns that cannot be NULL
  Fix MySQL migration of CI emails
  Minor fix in flow 'Merge when build succeeds'
parents 2ec93abe 73ba411a
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
= project.name_with_namespace
= link_to 'Disable', [:admin, project.namespace, project, runner_project], method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-xs'
= link_to 'Disable', [:admin, project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), project, runner_project], method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-xs'
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- else
The source branch will not be removed.
- remove_source_branch_button = @merge_request.can_remove_source_branch?(current_user) && !should_remove_source_branch
- remove_source_branch_button = @merge_request.can_remove_source_branch?(current_user) && !should_remove_source_branch && @merge_request.merge_user == current_user
- user_can_cancel_automatic_merge = @merge_request.can_cancel_merge_when_build_succeeds?(current_user)
- if remove_source_branch_button || user_can_cancel_automatic_merge
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- runner_project = @project.runner_projects.find_by(runner_id: runner)
= link_to 'Disable for this project', namespace_project_runner_project_path(@project.namespace, @project, runner_project), data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-sm'
- elsif runner.specific?
= form_for [@project.namespace, @project,] do |f|
= form_for [@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project,] do |f|
= f.hidden_field :runner_id, value:
= f.submit 'Enable for this project', class: 'btn btn-sm'
......@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ class MigrateCiEmails < ActiveRecord::Migration
# This function escapes double-quotes and slash
def escape_text(name)
"REPLACE(REPLACE(#{name}, '\\', '\\\\'), '\"', '\\\"')"
if Gitlab::Database.postgresql?
"REPLACE(REPLACE(#{name}, '\\', '\\\\'), '\"', '\\\"')"
"REPLACE(REPLACE(#{name}, '\\\\', '\\\\\\\\'), '\\\"', '\\\\\\\"')"
# This function returns 0 or 1 for column
......@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ class MigrateCiToProject < ActiveRecord::Migration
def migrate_project_column(column, new_column = nil)
new_column ||= column
subquery = "SELECT ci_projects.#{column} FROM ci_projects WHERE = ci_projects.gitlab_id"
execute("UPDATE projects SET #{new_column}=(#{subquery}) WHERE #{new_column} IS NULL AND (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
execute("UPDATE projects SET #{new_column}=(#{subquery}) WHERE (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
def migrate_ci_service
subquery = "SELECT active FROM services WHERE = services.project_id AND type='GitlabCiService'"
execute("UPDATE projects SET builds_enabled=(#{subquery}) WHERE builds_enabled IS NULL AND (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
subquery = "SELECT active FROM services WHERE = services.project_id AND type='GitlabCiService' LIMIT 1"
execute("UPDATE projects SET builds_enabled=(#{subquery}) WHERE (#{subquery}) IS NOT NULL")
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