Commit a87b229b authored by Connor Shea's avatar Connor Shea

Fix preferences tests.

parent 7b9b2ce3
- content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
= page_specific_javascript_tag('lib/cropper.js')
= page_specific_javascript_tag('profile/application.js')
- page_title "Account"
= render 'profiles/head'
- if current_user.ldap_user?
- page_title "Audit Log"
= render 'profiles/head'
- page_title "Emails"
= render 'profiles/head'
- page_title @key.title, "SSH Keys"
= render 'profiles/head'
= render "key_details"
- page_title "Notifications"
= render 'profiles/head'
- if @user.errors.any?
- page_title "Personal Access Tokens"
= render 'profiles/head'
- page_title 'Preferences'
= render 'profiles/head'
= form_for @user, url: profile_preferences_path, remote: true, method: :put, html: {class: 'row prepend-top-default js-preferences-form'} do |f|
- content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
= page_specific_javascript_tag('lib/cropper.js')
= page_specific_javascript_tag('profile/application.js')
= render 'profiles/head'
= form_for @user, url: profile_path, method: :put, html: { multipart: true, class: "edit-user prepend-top-default" }, authenticity_token: true do |f|
= form_errors(@user)
- page_title 'Two-Factor Authentication', 'Account'
- header_title "Two-Factor Authentication", profile_two_factor_auth_path
= render 'profiles/head'
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