Commit d032c6b0 authored by Yorick Peterse's avatar Yorick Peterse

Move LOCK TABLES to a separate execute

MySQL apparently doesn't support executing multiple queries in the same
`execute` call so we have to use a separate one for the "LOCK TABLES"
parent fc5b3a8f
......@@ -27,11 +27,8 @@ class ConvertAwardNoteToEmojiAward < ActiveRecord::Migration
def migrate_mysql
execute <<-EOF
lock tables notes WRITE, award_emoji WRITE;
INSERT INTO award_emoji (awardable_type, awardable_id, user_id, name, created_at, updated_at) (SELECT noteable_type, noteable_id, author_id, note, created_at, updated_at FROM notes WHERE is_award = true);
execute 'LOCK TABLES notes WRITE, award_emoji WRITE;'
execute 'INSERT INTO award_emoji (awardable_type, awardable_id, user_id, name, created_at, updated_at) (SELECT noteable_type, noteable_id, author_id, note, created_at, updated_at FROM notes WHERE is_award = true);'
execute "DELETE FROM notes WHERE is_award = true"
remove_column :notes, :is_award, :boolean
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