Commit eb4272e2 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Remove old specs

parent 643a6e58
...@@ -75,13 +75,6 @@ describe Admin::ProjectsController, "routing" do ...@@ -75,13 +75,6 @@ describe Admin::ProjectsController, "routing" do
end end
end end
# DELETE /admin/projects/:project_id/members/:id(.:format) admin/projects/members#destroy {id: /[^\/]+/, project_id: /[^\/]+/}
describe Admin::MembersController, "routing" do
it "to #destroy" do
delete("/admin/projects/test/members/1").should route_to('admin/members#destroy', project_id: 'test', id: '1')
# admin_hook_test GET /admin/hooks/:hook_id/test(.:format) admin/hooks#test # admin_hook_test GET /admin/hooks/:hook_id/test(.:format) admin/hooks#test
# admin_hooks GET /admin/hooks(.:format) admin/hooks#index # admin_hooks GET /admin/hooks(.:format) admin/hooks#index
# POST /admin/hooks(.:format) admin/hooks#create # POST /admin/hooks(.:format) admin/hooks#create
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