Commit cd0b73ea authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier Committed by iv

nayuos: improve .bashrc git configuration

parent fde9d8a7
......@@ -128,23 +128,25 @@ increase_revision_number ${CHROMIUM_OVERLAY}/chromeos-base/openssh-server-init/
increase_revision_number ${CHROMIUM_OVERLAY}/chromeos-base/chromeos-sshd-init/
# bashrc modifications
BASH_EBUILD_DIR={{ cros_location }}/{{ branch }}/src/third_party/portage-stable/app-shells/bash
if [[ $(grep "git --exec-path" "${BASH_EBUILD_DIR}/files/dot-bashrc") ]] ; then
echo "git alias already set"
echo "# git quickfix for finding right git executables
if [ -d /usr/local/libexec/git-core/ ] ; then
alias git='git --exec-path=/usr/local/libexec/git-core/'
BASH_EBUILD_DIR='{{ cros_location }}/{{ branch }}/src/third_party/portage-stable/app-shells/bash'
if ! grep '----- BEGIN NayuOS configuration -----' "${BASH_EBUILD_DIR}/files/dot-bashrc" > /dev/null ; then
cat >> "${BASH_EBUILD_DIR}/files/dot-bashrc" <<EOF
# ----- BEGIN NayuOS configuration -----
# git quickfix for finding right git executables
export GIT_EXEC_PATH=/usr/local/libexec/git-core
# configure .gitconfig once
if [ ! -e ~/.gitconfig ] ; then
which less &> /dev/null && git config --global core.pager less
# git quickfix for finding 'less' and using it as pager
less_path=\$(which less 2>/dev/null)
if [ "\${less_path}" ] ; then
git config --global core.pager \${less_path}
fi" >> ${BASH_EBUILD_DIR}/files/dot-bashrc
# ----- END NayuOS configuration -----
increase_revision_number ${BASH_EBUILD_DIR}
increase_revision_number "${BASH_EBUILD_DIR}"
######################################## Build ##############################################
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