Commit 562e6a21 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

testInvalidationBug: Tolerate multiple indexation activities being spawned.

For example, an immediateReindexObject and a
SQLCatalog_deferFullTextIndexActivity may be spawned.
parent b517ca10
......@@ -88,7 +88,11 @@ class TestInvalidationBug(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(result_list[1], [0,0]) # activity buffer first
self.assertEqual(result_list[-3], [1,0]) # catalog
self.assertEqual(result_list[-2], None) # ZODB
self.assertEqual(result_list[-1], [1,1]) # activity tables last
result_catalog_count, result_activity_count = result_list[-1]
# activity tables last (there may be multiple activities, but there must be
# at least one).
self.assertEqual(result_catalog_count, 1)
self.assertGreaterEqual(result_activity_count, 1)
# TODO: - skip this test for ZEO>=5 because it's covered upstream
# (and later remove it)
......@@ -169,7 +173,8 @@ class TestInvalidationBug(ERP5TypeTestCase):
## When the bug is not fixed, we get a -3 failed activity
## which would cause tic to fail
def _testReindex(self):
print("To reproduce bugs easily, distribution step should be skipped for"
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