Commit ac92635a authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin Committed by Kazuhiko Shiozaki

ERP5JS: display form groups legends

This is same as "xhtml_style: display form groups legends", but applied
to ERP5JS.

The returned type of `group_list` changed in the API, it use to be a
list of lists with 2 elements: group id (str) and field list (list),
it is now a list with 3 elements: group id (str), field list (list)
and group title (str).

There's now a new `legend` element in the DOM, only when the group has a
parent 80962da1
......@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ def renderFormDefinition(form, response_dict):
for field in form.get_fields_in_group(group['goid'], include_disabled=1):
field_list.append((, {'meta_type': field.meta_type}))
group_list.append((group['gid'], field_list))
group_list.append((group['gid'], field_list, group['gtitle']))
# some forms might not have any fields so we put empty bottom group
if not group_list:
......@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ class TestERP5Document_getHateoas_mode_traverse(ERP5HALJSONStyleSkinsMixin):
result_dict = json.loads(result)
_, group_fields = result_dict['group_list'][-1]
_, group_fields, _ = result_dict['group_list'][-1]
field_names = [field_name for field_name, _ in group_fields]
self.assertIn("form_id", field_names)
self.assertIn("dialog_id", field_names)
......@@ -84,9 +84,12 @@
function addGroup(group, rendered_document, form_definition, form_gadget, modification_dict) {
var group_name = group[0],
field_list = group[1],
group_title = group[2],
// XXX: > Romain: fieldset will be needed later for menus
fieldset_element = domsugar("div", {"class": group_name});
if (group_title) {
fieldset_element.appendChild(domsugar('label', {"class": "group_title"}, group_title));
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
var first_listbox_found = false;
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