Commit de446d2d authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin Committed by Arnaud Fontaine

zope4: depend on Products.CMFCore >= 2.6.0

parent d861226e
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from AccessControl.User import UserFolder
from Products.CMFCore.CookieCrumbler import CookieCrumbler
from Products.CMFCore.tests.test_CookieCrumbler import makerequest
from Products.CMFCore.tests.test_CookieCrumbler import CookieCrumblerTests
from Products.CMFCore.tests.test_CookieCrumbler import normalizeCookieParameterName
class ERP5CookieCrumblerTests (CookieCrumblerTests):
""" Modify original CMFCore Cookie Crumbler unit test to test long login """
......@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ class ERP5CookieCrumblerTests (CookieCrumblerTests):
self.credentials = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (long_name, long_pass)).replace('\012', '')
self.assertEqual(resp.cookies['__ac']['path'], '/')
self.assertEqual(resp.cookies['__ac'][normalizeCookieParameterName('path')], '/')
def testCacheHeaderDisabled(self):
# Cache header is forcibly set on any authenticated user independently from
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