Commit 0fcea6b6 authored by Kamil Trzciński's avatar Kamil Trzciński Committed by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'feature-ci-only-except-trigger' into 'master'

CI: Add 'triggers' keyword to 'only' and 'except' lists to allow control over when triggers cause builds to run

Currently, the `only` and `except` keywords in `.gitlab-ci.yml` only accept ref names or the special `branches` and `tags` keywords. However, these are primarily useful when controlling how repository activity affects the creation of builds. In my case, instead of building on every commit, I'd like to use the following logic:

- If the repository is tagged, do a build.
- Any other normal commits should not cause a build.
- If a build is triggered via the API, always create one for the specified ref.

From what I can tell, this isn't possible via the existing YAML syntax. In this MR, I introduce a new keyword `triggers` that goes along with `branches` and `tags`. I can implement the logic above using the following job configuration:

  - tags
  - triggers

I updated the tests and documentation to reflect this and everything seems to pass.

See merge request !3230
parent 9684d7fd
module Ci
class CreateBuildsService
def execute(commit, stage, ref, tag, user, trigger_request, status)
builds_attrs = commit.config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag)
builds_attrs = commit.config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag, trigger_request)
# check when to create next build
builds_attrs = do |build_attrs|
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ There are a few rules that apply to the usage of refs policy:
* `only` and `except` are inclusive. If both `only` and `except` are defined
in a job specification, the ref is filtered by `only` and `except`.
* `only` and `except` allow the use of regular expressions.
* `only` and `except` allow the use of special keywords: `branches` and `tags`.
* `only` and `except` allow the use of special keywords: `branches`, `tags`, and `triggers`.
* `only` and `except` allow to specify a repository path to filter jobs for
......@@ -348,6 +348,17 @@ job:
- branches
In this example, `job` will run only for refs that are tagged, or if a build is explicitly requested
via an API trigger.
# use special keywords
- tags
- triggers
The repository path can be used to have jobs executed only for the parent
repository and not forks:
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ module Ci
def builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false){|build| build[:stage] == stage && process?(build[:only], build[:except], ref, tag)}
def builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false, trigger_request = nil){|build| build[:stage] == stage && process?(build[:only], build[:except], ref, tag, trigger_request)}
def builds
......@@ -266,29 +266,30 @@ module Ci[true, false])
def process?(only_params, except_params, ref, tag)
def process?(only_params, except_params, ref, tag, trigger_request)
if only_params.present?
return false unless matching?(only_params, ref, tag)
return false unless matching?(only_params, ref, tag, trigger_request)
if except_params.present?
return false if matching?(except_params, ref, tag)
return false if matching?(except_params, ref, tag, trigger_request)
def matching?(patterns, ref, tag)
def matching?(patterns, ref, tag, trigger_request)
patterns.any? do |pattern|
match_ref?(pattern, ref, tag)
match_ref?(pattern, ref, tag, trigger_request)
def match_ref?(pattern, ref, tag)
def match_ref?(pattern, ref, tag, trigger_request)
pattern, path = pattern.split('@', 2)
return false if path && path != self.path
return true if tag && pattern == 'tags'
return true if !tag && pattern == 'branches'
return true if trigger_request.present? && pattern == 'triggers'
if pattern.first == "/" && pattern.last == "/"[1...-1]) =~ ref
......@@ -97,6 +97,28 @@ module Ci
expect(config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(type, "deploy").size).to eq(0)
it "returns builds if only has a triggers keyword specified and a trigger is provided" do
config = YAML.dump({
before_script: ["pwd"],
rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: ["triggers"] }
config_processor =, path)
expect(config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(type, "deploy", false, true).size).to eq(1)
it "does not return builds if only has a triggers keyword specified and no trigger is provided" do
config = YAML.dump({
before_script: ["pwd"],
rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, only: ["triggers"] }
config_processor =, path)
expect(config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(type, "deploy").size).to eq(0)
it "returns builds if only has current repository path" do
config = YAML.dump({
before_script: ["pwd"],
......@@ -203,6 +225,28 @@ module Ci
expect(config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(type, "deploy").size).to eq(1)
it "does not return builds if except has a triggers keyword specified and a trigger is provided" do
config = YAML.dump({
before_script: ["pwd"],
rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: ["triggers"] }
config_processor =, path)
expect(config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(type, "deploy", false, true).size).to eq(0)
it "returns builds if except has a triggers keyword specified and no trigger is provided" do
config = YAML.dump({
before_script: ["pwd"],
rspec: { script: "rspec", type: type, except: ["triggers"] }
config_processor =, path)
expect(config_processor.builds_for_stage_and_ref(type, "deploy").size).to eq(1)
it "does not return builds if except has current repository path" do
config = YAML.dump({
before_script: ["pwd"],
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