Commit 14114805 authored by Yorick Peterse's avatar Yorick Peterse

Refactor processing of various Banzai filters

These filters now use a single iteration over all the document nodes
instead of multiple ones. This in turn allows variables to be re-used
(e.g. links only have to be unescaped once). Combined with some other
refactoring this can drastically reduce render timings.
parent 57bde0ce
...@@ -110,30 +110,45 @@ module Banzai ...@@ -110,30 +110,45 @@ module Banzai
end end
def call def call
if object_class.reference_pattern return doc if project.nil?
# `#123`
replace_text_nodes_matching(object_class.reference_pattern) do |content|
object_link_filter(content, object_class.reference_pattern)
# `[Issue](#123)`, which is turned into ref_pattern = object_class.reference_pattern
# `<a href="#123">Issue</a>` link_pattern = object_class.link_reference_pattern
replace_link_nodes_with_href(object_class.reference_pattern) do |link, text|
object_link_filter(link, object_class.reference_pattern, link_text: text)
if object_class.link_reference_pattern each_node do |node|
# ``, which is turned into if text_node?(node) && ref_pattern
# `<a href=""></a>` replace_text_when_pattern_matches(node, ref_pattern) do |content|
replace_link_nodes_with_text(object_class.link_reference_pattern) do |text| object_link_filter(content, ref_pattern)
object_link_filter(text, object_class.link_reference_pattern) end
elsif element_node?(node)
yield_valid_link(node) do |link, text|
if ref_pattern && link =~ /\A#{ref_pattern}/
replace_link_node_with_href(node, link) do
object_link_filter(link, ref_pattern, link_text: text)
# `[Issue](`, which is turned into next
# `<a href="">Issue</a>` end
replace_link_nodes_with_href(object_class.link_reference_pattern) do |link, text|
object_link_filter(link, object_class.link_reference_pattern, link_text: text) next unless link_pattern
if link == text && text =~ /\A#{link_pattern}/
replace_link_node_with_text(node, link) do
object_link_filter(text, link_pattern)
if link =~ /\A#{link_pattern}\z/
replace_link_node_with_href(node, link) do
object_link_filter(link, link_pattern, link_text: text)
end end
end end
...@@ -37,13 +37,27 @@ module Banzai ...@@ -37,13 +37,27 @@ module Banzai
# Early return if the project isn't using an external tracker # Early return if the project isn't using an external tracker
return doc if project.nil? || project.default_issues_tracker? return doc if project.nil? || project.default_issues_tracker?
replace_text_nodes_matching(ExternalIssue.reference_pattern) do |content| ref_pattern = ExternalIssue.reference_pattern
issue_link_filter(content) ref_start_pattern = /\A#{ref_pattern}\z/
each_node do |node|
if text_node?(node)
replace_text_when_pattern_matches(node, ref_pattern) do |content|
replace_link_nodes_with_href(ExternalIssue.reference_pattern) do |link, text| elsif element_node?(node)
issue_link_filter(link, link_text: text) yield_valid_link(node) do |link, text|
if link =~ ref_start_pattern
replace_link_node_with_href(node, link) do
issue_link_filter(link, link_text: text)
end end
end end
# Replace `JIRA-123` issue references in text with links to the referenced # Replace `JIRA-123` issue references in text with links to the referenced
...@@ -52,18 +52,13 @@ module Banzai ...@@ -52,18 +52,13 @@ module Banzai
html.html_safe? ? html : ERB::Util.html_escape_once(html) html.html_safe? ? html : ERB::Util.html_escape_once(html)
end end
def ignore_parents def ignore_ancestor_query
@ignore_parents ||= begin @ignore_ancestor_query ||= begin
# Don't look for references in text nodes that are children of these
# elements.
parents = %w(pre code a style) parents = %w(pre code a style)
parents << 'blockquote' if context[:ignore_blockquotes] parents << 'blockquote' if context[:ignore_blockquotes]
def ignored_ancestry?(node) { |n| "ancestor::#{n}" }.join(' or ')
has_ancestor?(node, ignore_parents) end
end end
def project def project
...@@ -74,119 +69,66 @@ module Banzai ...@@ -74,119 +69,66 @@ module Banzai
"gfm gfm-#{type}" "gfm gfm-#{type}"
end end
# Iterate through the document's text nodes, yielding the current node's # Ensure that a :project key exists in context
# content if:
# * The `project` context value is present AND
# * The node's content matches `pattern` AND
# * The node is not an ancestor of an ignored node type
# pattern - Regex pattern against which to match the node's content
# Yields the current node's String contents. The result of the block will
# replace the node's existing content and update the current document.
# #
# Returns the updated Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment object. # Note that while the key might exist, its value could be nil!
def replace_text_nodes_matching(pattern) def validate
return doc if project.nil? needs :project
search_text_nodes(doc).each do |node|
next if ignored_ancestry?(node)
next unless node.text =~ pattern
content = node.to_html
html = yield content
next if html == content
end end
# Iterate through the document's link nodes, yielding the current node's # Iterates over all <a> and text() nodes in a document.
# content if:
# * The `project` context value is present AND
# * The node's content matches `pattern`
# pattern - Regex pattern against which to match the node's content
# Yields the current node's String contents. The result of the block will
# replace the node and update the current document.
# #
# Returns the updated Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment object. # Nodes are skipped whenever their ancestor is one of the nodes returned
def replace_link_nodes_with_text(pattern) # by `ignore_ancestor_query`. Link tags are not processed if they have a
return doc if project.nil? # "gfm" class or the "href" attribute is empty.
def each_node
query = %Q{descendant-or-self::text()[not(#{ignore_ancestor_query})]
| descendant-or-self::a[
not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " gfm ")) and not(@href = "")
doc.xpath('descendant-or-self::a').each do |node| doc.xpath(query).each do |node|
klass = node.attr('class') yield node
next if klass && klass.include?('gfm') end
link = node.attr('href')
text = node.text
next unless link && text
link = CGI.unescape(link)
next unless link.force_encoding('UTF-8').valid_encoding?
# Ignore ending punctionation like periods or commas
next unless link == text && text =~ /\A#{pattern}/
html = yield text
next if html == text # Yields the link's URL and text whenever the node is a valid <a> tag.
def yield_valid_link(node)
link = CGI.unescape(node.attr('href').to_s)
text = node.text
node.replace(html) return unless link.force_encoding('UTF-8').valid_encoding?
doc yield link, text
end end
# Iterate through the document's link nodes, yielding the current node's def replace_text_when_pattern_matches(node, pattern)
# content if: return unless node.text =~ pattern
# * The `project` context value is present AND
# * The node's HREF matches `pattern`
# pattern - Regex pattern against which to match the node's HREF
# Yields the current node's String HREF and String content.
# The result of the block will replace the node and update the current document.
# Returns the updated Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment object.
def replace_link_nodes_with_href(pattern)
return doc if project.nil?
doc.xpath('descendant-or-self::a').each do |node| content = node.to_html
klass = node.attr('class') html = yield content
next if klass && klass.include?('gfm')
link = node.attr('href') node.replace(html) unless content == html
text = node.text end
next unless link && text def replace_link_node_with_text(node, link)
link = CGI.unescape(link) html = yield
next unless link.force_encoding('UTF-8').valid_encoding?
next unless link && link =~ /\A#{pattern}\z/
html = yield link, text node.replace(html) unless html == node.text
next if html == link def replace_link_node_with_href(node, link)
html = yield
node.replace(html) node.replace(html) unless html == link
end end
doc def text_node?(node)
end end
# Ensure that a :project key exists in context def element_node?(node)
# node.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Element)
# Note that while the key might exist, its value could be nil!
def validate
needs :project
end end
end end
end end
...@@ -59,13 +59,28 @@ module Banzai ...@@ -59,13 +59,28 @@ module Banzai
end end
def call def call
replace_text_nodes_matching(User.reference_pattern) do |content| return doc if project.nil?
ref_pattern = User.reference_pattern
ref_pattern_start = /\A#{ref_pattern}\z/
each_node do |node|
if text_node?(node)
replace_text_when_pattern_matches(node, ref_pattern) do |content|
elsif element_node?(node)
yield_valid_link(node) do |link, text|
if link =~ ref_pattern_start
replace_link_node_with_href(node, link) do
user_link_filter(link, link_text: text)
end end
replace_link_nodes_with_href(User.reference_pattern) do |link, text| doc
user_link_filter(link, link_text: text)
end end
# Replace `@user` user references in text with links to the referenced # Replace `@user` user references in text with links to the referenced
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