Commit 4293485a authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes Committed by Jacob Schatz

Updated Ruby

Added CHANGELOG item
parent 6416f8ea
No related merge requests found
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ v 8.6.5
v 8.6.4
- Don't attempt to fetch any tags from a forked repo (Stan Hu)
- Redesign the Labels page
- Project switcher uses new dropdown styling
v 8.6.3
- Mentions on confidential issues doesn't create todos for non-members. !3374
......@@ -66,10 +66,13 @@ module ProjectsHelper
project_link = link_to simple_sanitize(, project_path(project), { class: "project-item-select-holder" }
project_link << icon("chevron-down", class: "dropdown-toggle-caret js-projects-dropdown-toggle", data: { target: ".js-dropdown-menu-projects", toggle: "dropdown" }) if current_user
full_title = namespace_link + ' / ' + project_link
full_title << ' &middot; '.html_safe + link_to(simple_sanitize(name), url) if name
if current_user
project_link << icon("chevron-down", class: "dropdown-toggle-caret js-projects-dropdown-toggle", data: { target: ".js-dropdown-menu-projects", toggle: "dropdown" })
full_title = namespace_link + ' / ' << project_link
full_title << ' &middot; '.html_safe << link_to(simple_sanitize(name), url) if name
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