Commit 76350e2e authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable

Ensure "new SSH key" email do not ends up as dead Sidekiq jobs

Related to #2235.

This is done by:
1. Delaying the notification sending after the SSH key is commited in DB
2. Gracefully exit the mailer method if the record cannot be found
parent 94031420
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ v 8.6.0 (unreleased)
- Allow to pass name of created artifacts archive in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
- Refactor and greatly improve search performance
- Add support for cross-project label references
- Ensure "new SSH key" email do not ends up as dead Sidekiq jobs
- Update documentation to reflect Guest role not being enforced on internal projects
- Allow search for logged out users
- Allow to define on which builds the current one depends on
......@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ module Emails
def new_ssh_key_email(key_id)
@key = Key.find(key_id)
@key = Key.find_by_id(key_id)
return unless @key
@current_user = @user = @key.user
@target_url = user_url(@user)
mail(to: @user.notification_email, subject: subject("SSH key was added to your account"))
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
require 'digest/md5'
class Key < ActiveRecord::Base
include AfterCommitQueue
include Sortable
belongs_to :user
......@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ class Key < ActiveRecord::Base
def notify_user
run_after_commit { }
def post_create_hook
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe Notify do
let(:example_site_path) { root_path }
let(:new_user) { create(:user, email: new_user_address, created_by_id: 1) }
let(:token) { 'kETLwRaayvigPq_x3SNM' }
subject { Notify.new_user_email(, token) }
it_behaves_like 'an email sent from GitLab'
......@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ describe Notify do
it 'includes a link to ssh keys page' do have_body_text /#{profile_keys_path}/
context 'with SSH key that does not exist' do
it { expect { Notify.new_ssh_key_email('foo') }.not_to raise_error }
describe 'user added email' do
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