-[Work In Progress "WIP" Merge Requests](user/project/merge_requests/work_in_progress_merge_requests.md)
-[Merge Request discussion resolution](user/discussions/index.md#moving-a-single-discussion-to-a-new-issue): Resolve discussions, move discussions in a merge request to an issue, only allow merge requests to be merged if all discussions are resolved.
-[Work In Progress Merge Requests](user/project/merge_requests/work_in_progress_merge_requests.md)
-[Merge Request discussion resolution](user/discussions/index.md#moving-a-single-discussion-to-a-new-issue): Resolve discussions, move discussions in a merge request to an issue, only allow merge requests to be merged if all discussions are resolved.
-[GitLab CI/CD](ci/README.md): Explore the features and capabilities of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment with GitLab.
-[Review Apps](ci/review_apps/index.md): Preview changes to your app right from a merge request.
@@ -132,7 +139,6 @@ GitLab Container Registry gives you the enhanced security and access controls of
custom Docker images without 3rd party add-ons. Easily upload and download images
from GitLab CI/CD with full Git repository management integration.
-[GitLab CI/CD](ci/README.md): Explore the features and capabilities of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment with GitLab.
-[GitLab Container Registry](user/project/container_registry.md): Learn how to use GitLab's built-in Container Registry.
### Release
@@ -141,9 +147,11 @@ Spend less time configuring your tools, and more time creating. Whether you’re
deploying to one server or thousands, build, test, and release your code
confidently and securely with GitLab’s built-in Continuous Delivery and Deployment.
-[GitLab Pages](user/project/pages/index.md): Build, test, and deploy a static site directly from GitLab.
-[Auto Deploy](topics/autodevops/index.md#auto-deploy): Configure GitLab CI for the deployment of your application.
-[Environments and deployments](ci/environments.md): With environments, you can control the continuous deployment of your software within GitLab.
-[GitLab Pages](user/project/pages/index.md): Build, test, and deploy a static site directly from GitLab.