Commit b24a55a9 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Improve error message across IDE store modules

Closes #47323
parent d4a4f1ed
......@@ -198,11 +198,18 @@ export const commitChanges = ({ commit, state, getters, dispatch, rootState, roo
if (err.response.status === 400) {
} else {
let errMsg = __('Error committing changes. Please try again.');
if ( && {
errMsg += ` (${stripHtml(})`;
flash(errMsg, 'alert', document, null, false, true);
text: __('An error accured whilst committing your changes.'),
action: () =>
dispatch('commitChanges').then(() =>
dispatch('setErrorMessage', null, { root: true }),
actionText: __('Please try again'),
{ root: true },
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
import { __ } from '../../../../locale';
import Api from '../../../../api';
import flash from '../../../../flash';
import router from '../../../ide_router';
import { scopes } from './constants';
import * as types from './mutation_types';
......@@ -8,8 +7,20 @@ import * as rootTypes from '../../mutation_types';
export const requestMergeRequests = ({ commit }, type) =>
commit(types.REQUEST_MERGE_REQUESTS, type);
export const receiveMergeRequestsError = ({ commit }, type) => {
flash(__('Error loading merge requests.'));
export const receiveMergeRequestsError = ({ commit, dispatch }, { type, search }) => {
text: __('Error loading merge requests.'),
action: payload =>
dispatch('fetchMergeRequests', payload).then(() =>
dispatch('setErrorMessage', null, { root: true }),
actionText: __('Please try again'),
actionPayload: { type, search },
{ root: true },
export const receiveMergeRequestsSuccess = ({ commit }, { type, data }) =>
......@@ -22,7 +33,7 @@ export const fetchMergeRequests = ({ dispatch, state: { state } }, { type, searc
Api.mergeRequests({ scope, state, search })
.then(({ data }) => dispatch('receiveMergeRequestsSuccess', { type, data }))
.catch(() => dispatch('receiveMergeRequestsError', type));
.catch(() => dispatch('receiveMergeRequestsError', { type, search }));
export const resetMergeRequests = ({ commit }, type) => commit(types.RESET_MERGE_REQUESTS, type);
......@@ -18,10 +18,27 @@ export const stopPipelinePolling = () => {
export const restartPipelinePolling = () => {
if (eTagPoll) eTagPoll.restart();
export const forcePipelineRequest = () => {
if (eTagPoll) eTagPoll.makeRequest();
export const requestLatestPipeline = ({ commit }) => commit(types.REQUEST_LATEST_PIPELINE);
export const receiveLatestPipelineError = ({ commit, dispatch }) => {
flash(__('There was an error loading latest pipeline'));
export const receiveLatestPipelineError = ({ commit, dispatch }, err) => {
if (err.response.status !== 404) {
text: __('An error occured whilst fetching the latest pipline.'),
action: () =>
dispatch('forcePipelineRequest').then(() =>
dispatch('setErrorMessage', null, { root: true }),
actionText: __('Please try again'),
actionPayload: null,
{ root: true },
......@@ -46,11 +63,11 @@ export const fetchLatestPipeline = ({ dispatch, rootGetters }) => {
method: 'lastCommitPipelines',
data: { getters: rootGetters },
successCallback: ({ data }) => dispatch('receiveLatestPipelineSuccess', data),
errorCallback: () => dispatch('receiveLatestPipelineError'),
errorCallback: err => dispatch('receiveLatestPipelineError', err),
if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
Visibility.change(() => {
......@@ -63,9 +80,19 @@ export const fetchLatestPipeline = ({ dispatch, rootGetters }) => {
export const requestJobs = ({ commit }, id) => commit(types.REQUEST_JOBS, id);
export const receiveJobsError = ({ commit }, id) => {
flash(__('There was an error loading jobs'));
commit(types.RECEIVE_JOBS_ERROR, id);
export const receiveJobsError = ({ commit, dispatch }, stage) => {
text: __('An error occured whilst loading the pipelines jobs.'),
action: stage =>
dispatch('fetchJobs', stage).then(() => dispatch('setErrorMessage', null, { root: true })),
actionText: __('Please try again'),
actionPayload: stage,
{ root: true },
export const receiveJobsSuccess = ({ commit }, { id, data }) =>
commit(types.RECEIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS, { id, data });
......@@ -76,7 +103,7 @@ export const fetchJobs = ({ dispatch }, stage) => {
.then(({ data }) => dispatch('receiveJobsSuccess', { id:, data }))
.catch(() => dispatch('receiveJobsError',;
.catch(() => dispatch('receiveJobsError', stage));
export const toggleStageCollapsed = ({ commit }, stageId) =>
......@@ -90,8 +117,18 @@ export const setDetailJob = ({ commit, dispatch }, job) => {
export const requestJobTrace = ({ commit }) => commit(types.REQUEST_JOB_TRACE);
export const receiveJobTraceError = ({ commit }) => {
flash(__('Error fetching job trace'));
export const receiveJobTraceError = ({ commit, dispatch }) => {
text: __('An error occured whilst fetching the job trace.'),
action: () =>
dispatch('fetchJobTrace').then(() => dispatch('setErrorMessage', null, { root: true })),
actionText: __('Please try again'),
actionPayload: null,
{ root: true },
export const receiveJobTraceSuccess = ({ commit }, data) =>
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