Commit f2a9455c authored by Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'ssh-key-settings' into 'master'

SSH keys settings

Closes #13860

See merge request !3034
parents 77c7b561 518dd934
......@@ -62,3 +62,12 @@ class @Profile
fileData = reader.readAsDataURL(this.files[0])
$ ->
# Extract the SSH Key title from its comment
$(document).on 'focusout.ssh_key', '#key_key', ->
$title = $('#key_title')
comment = $(@).val().match(/^\S+ \S+ (.+)\n?$/)
if comment && comment.length > 1 && $title.val() == ''
......@@ -143,6 +143,19 @@
.btn-transparent {
color: $btn-transparent-color;
background-color: transparent;
border: 0;
&:focus {
background-color: transparent;
box-shadow: none;
.btn-block {
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
.well-list {
position: relative;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
......@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ $list-title-color: #333333;
$list-text-color: #555555;
$profile-settings-link-color: $md-link-color;
$btn-transparent-color: #8F8F8F;
$ssh-key-icon-color: #8F8F8F;
$ssh-key-icon-size: 18px;
* Color schema
......@@ -145,3 +145,33 @@
width: auto;
.key-list-item {
.key-list-item-info {
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
float: left;
.description {
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
.key-icon {
color: $ssh-key-icon-color;
font-size: $ssh-key-icon-size;
line-height: 42px;
.key-created-at {
line-height: 42px;
.profile-settings-content {
a {
color: $profile-settings-link-color;
......@@ -3,23 +3,21 @@ class Profiles::KeysController < Profiles::ApplicationController
def index
@keys = current_user.keys
@key =
def show
@key = current_user.keys.find(params[:id])
def new
@key =
def create
@key =
redirect_to profile_key_path(@key)
render 'new'
@keys =
render :index
- page_title "Keys",, "Users"
- page_title "SSH Keys",, "Users"
= render 'admin/users/head'
= render 'profiles/keys/key_table', admin: true
= form_for [:profile, @key], html: { class: 'form-horizontal js-requires-input' } do |f|
= form_for [:profile, @key], html: { class: 'js-requires-input' } do |f|
- if @key.errors.any?
......@@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
%li= msg
= f.label :key, class: 'control-label'
= f.text_area :key, class: "form-control", rows: 8, autofocus: true, required: true
= f.label :key, class: 'label-light'
= f.text_area :key, class: "form-control", rows: 8, required: true
= f.label :title, class: 'control-label'
.col-sm-10= f.text_field :title, class: "form-control", required: true
= f.label :title, class: 'label-light'
= f.text_field :title, class: "form-control", required: true
= f.submit 'Add key', class: "btn btn-create"
= link_to "Cancel", profile_keys_path, class: "btn btn-cancel"
= link_to path_to_key(key, is_admin) do
%strong= key.title
%code.key-fingerprint= key.fingerprint
added #{time_ago_with_tooltip(key.created_at)}
= link_to 'Remove', path_to_key(key, is_admin), data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-sm btn-remove delete-key pull-right"
= icon 'key', class: "key-icon hidden-xs"
= link_to path_to_key(key, is_admin), class: "title" do
= key.title
= key.fingerprint
created #{time_ago_with_tooltip(key.created_at)} ago
= link_to path_to_key(key, is_admin), data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-transparent prepend-left-10" do Remove
= icon('trash')
- is_admin = defined?(admin) ? true : false
- is_admin = defined?(admin) ? true : false
- is_admin = local_assigns.fetch(:admin, false)
- if @keys.any?
%th Title
%th Fingerprint
%th Added at
- @keys.each do |key|
= render 'profiles/keys/key', key: key, is_admin: is_admin
= render partial: 'profiles/keys/key', collection: @keys, locals: { is_admin: is_admin }
- else
- if is_admin
User has no ssh keys
There are no SSH keys associated with this account.
- else
There are no SSH keys with access to your account.
- page_title "SSH Keys"
- header_title page_title, profile_keys_path
Before you can add an SSH key you need to
= link_to "generate it.", help_page_path("ssh", "README")
= link_to new_profile_key_path, class: "btn btn-new" do
= icon('plus')
Add SSH Key
= render 'key_table'
= page_title
SSH keys allow you to establish a secure connection between your computer and GitLab.
Add an SSH key
Before you can add an SSH key you need to
= link_to "generate it.", help_page_path("ssh", "README")
= render 'form'
Your SSH keys (#{@keys.count})
= render 'key_table'
- page_title "Add SSH Keys" Add an SSH Key
Paste your public key here. Read more about how to generate a key on #{link_to "the SSH help page", help_page_path("ssh", "README")}.
= render 'form'
$('#key_key').on('focusout', function(){
var title = $('#key_title'),
val = $('#key_key').val(),
comment = val.match(/^\S+ \S+ (.+)\n?$/);
if( comment && comment.length > 1 && title.val() == '' ){
$('#key_title').val( comment[1] ).change();
- if cookies[:hide_no_ssh_message].blank? && !current_user.hide_no_ssh_key && current_user.require_ssh_key?
You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH until you #{link_to 'add an SSH key', new_profile_key_path, class: 'alert-link'} to your profile
You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH until you #{link_to 'add an SSH key', profile_keys_path, class: 'alert-link'} to your profile
= link_to "Don't show again", profile_path(user: {hide_no_ssh_key: true}), method: :put, class: 'alert-link'
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
resource :preferences, only: [:show, :update]
resources :keys
resources :keys, except: [:new]
resources :emails, only: [:index, :create, :destroy]
resource :avatar, only: [:destroy]
resource :two_factor_auth, only: [:new, :create, :destroy] do
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Feature: Profile SSH Keys
Then I should see my ssh keys
Scenario: Add new ssh key
Given I click link "Add new"
Given I should see new ssh key form
And I submit new ssh key "Laptop"
Then I should see new ssh key "Laptop"
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProfileSshKeys < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step 'I click link "Add new"' do
click_link "Add SSH Key"
step 'I should see new ssh key form' do
expect(page).to have_content("Add an SSH key")
step 'I submit new ssh key "Laptop"' do
......@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ end
# keys GET /keys(.:format) keys#index
# POST /keys(.:format) keys#create
# new_key GET /keys/new(.:format) keys#new
# edit_key GET /keys/:id/edit(.:format) keys#edit
# key GET /keys/:id(.:format) keys#show
# PUT /keys/:id(.:format) keys#update
......@@ -151,10 +150,6 @@ describe Profiles::KeysController, "routing" do
expect(post("/profile/keys")).to route_to('profiles/keys#create')
it "to #new" do
expect(get("/profile/keys/new")).to route_to('profiles/keys#new')
it "to #edit" do
expect(get("/profile/keys/1/edit")).to route_to('profiles/keys#edit', id: '1')
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