Commit fac252c9 authored by Jacob Vosmaer's avatar Jacob Vosmaer

Never heard of gitlab-omnibus

parent e85faec9
# Shibboleth OmniAuth Provider
This documentation is for enabling shibboleth with gitlab-omnibus package.
This documentation is for enabling shibboleth with omnibus-gitlab package.
In order to enable Shibboleth support in gitlab we need to use Apache instead of Nginx (It may be possible to use Nginx, however I did not found way to easily configure Nginx that is bundled in gitlab-omnibus package). Apache uses mod_shib2 module for shibboleth authentication and can pass attributes as headers to omniauth-shibboleth provider.
In order to enable Shibboleth support in gitlab we need to use Apache instead of Nginx (It may be possible to use Nginx, however I did not found way to easily configure Nginx that is bundled in omnibus-gitlab package). Apache uses mod_shib2 module for shibboleth authentication and can pass attributes as headers to omniauth-shibboleth provider.
To enable the Shibboleth OmniAuth provider you must:
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Use the following template:
- Picked into respective `stable` branches:
- [ ] Merge `x-y-stable` into `x-y-stable-ee`
- [ ] release-tools: `x.y.z`
- gitlab-omnibus
- omnibus-gitlab
- [ ] `x.y.z+ee.0`
- [ ] `x.y.z+ce.0`
- [ ] Deploy
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