An error occurred fetching the project authors.
  1. 14 Jun, 2016 7 commits
    • Rémy Coutable's avatar
      Merge branch 'fix/incremental-trace-update-api' into 'master' · 767d3223
      Rémy Coutable authored
      Fix UTF-8 handling in incremental trace update API
      ## What does this MR do?
      This MR fixes invalid UTF-8 handling in incremental trace update API (used by GitLab Runner).
      ## Why was this MR needed?
      Current version is using `.length` method to determine current trace size where Runner is using the trace size in bytes. Also this byte size is used in headers and file operations to agree the trace part to send. This is a problem when build trace contains any multi-byte UTF-8 characters. This MR is fixing this situation so all parts are using the same size in bytes.
      ### Runner -> API communication before fix:
      Checking for builds... received                     runner=_token_
      gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.3.0~beta.26.gcfd63b9 (cfd63b9)  build=25 runner=_token_
      Using Docker executor with image debian:jessie ...  build=25 runner=_token_
      Pulling docker image debian:jessie ...              build=25 runner=_token_
      25 Submitting build to coordinator... ok            runner=_token_
      25 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-158 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=0-158 runner=_token_
      25 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-491 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=158-505 runner=_token_
      WARNING: 25 Appending trace to coordinator... range missmatch  RemoteRange=0-491 RemoteState= ResponseMessage=416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable ResponseStatusCode=416 SentRange=505-584 runner=_token_
      WARNING: 25 Resending trace patch due to range missmatch  runner=_token_
      25 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-556 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=491-584 runner=_token_
      WARNING: 25 Appending trace to coordinator... range missmatch  RemoteRange=0-556 RemoteState= ResponseMessage=416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable ResponseStatusCode=416 SentRange=584-663 runner=_token_
      WARNING: 25 Resending trace patch due to range missmatch  runner=_token_
      25 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-621 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=556-663 runner=_token_
      Build succeeded                                     build=25 runner=_token_
      WARNING: 25 Appending trace to coordinator... range missmatch  RemoteRange=0-621 RemoteState= ResponseMessage=416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable ResponseStatusCode=416 SentRange=663-797 runner=_token_
      WARNING: 25 Resending trace patch due to range missmatch  runner=_token_
      25 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-741 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=621-797 runner=_token_
      25 Submitting build to coordinator... ok            runner=_token_
      ### Runner -> API communication after fix:
      Checking for builds... received                     runner=_token_
      gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.3.0~beta.26.gcfd63b9 (cfd63b9)  build=26 runner=_token_
      Using Docker executor with image debian:jessie ...  build=26 runner=_token_
      Pulling docker image debian:jessie ...              build=26 runner=_token_
      26 Submitting build to coordinator... ok            runner=_token_
      26 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-158 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=0-158 runner=_token_
      26 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-505 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=158-505 runner=_token_
      26 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-584 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=505-584 runner=_token_
      26 Appending trace to coordinator... ok             RemoteRange=0-663 RemoteState=running ResponseMessage=202 Accepted ResponseStatusCode=202 SentRange=584-663 runner=_token_
      Build succeeded                                     build=26 runner=_token_
      26 Submitting build to coordinator... ok            runner=_token_
      See merge request !4541
    • Douwe Maan's avatar
      Merge branch 'gh-disable-webhooks' into 'master' · b6f28a17
      Douwe Maan authored
      Check if GitHub rate limite API was reached before update Webhooks
      ## What does this MR do?
      Checks if the job needs to sleep, and wait for the rate limit to be reseted before update each Webhook.
      ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?
      ## Why was this MR needed?
      The import process can fail if the API rate limit was reached during the import process.
      ## What are the relevant issue numbers?
      ## Screenshots (if relevant)
      Not relevant.
      See merge request !4509
    • Douwe Maan's avatar
      Merge branch 'saml-ldap-link-flow' into 'master' · 520a57a1
      Douwe Maan authored
      Adjust the SAML control flow to allow LDAP identities to be added to an existing SAML user.
      It correctly lets an existing SAML user to add their LDAP identity automatically at login.
      A customer had issues with the `auto_link_ldap_user` feature. The flow was not working if there was an account with a SAML identity, but no LDAP identity. GitLab would pick up the correct LDAP person, but due to the order of the flow, that LDAP person was never associated with the user.
      Fixes #17346
      /cc @dblessing @balameb @stanhu
      See merge request !4498
    • Douwe Maan's avatar
      Merge branch 'gh-fix-comments-on-diff' · 6e23d642
      Douwe Maan authored
    • Douwe Maan's avatar
      Merge branch 'gh-disable-webhooks' · 212ebdfb
      Douwe Maan authored
    • Douwe Maan's avatar
      Merge branch 'todos-filter-project-delete' into 'master' · a834be61
      Douwe Maan authored
      Ensure we don't show TODOS for projects pending delete
      Joins the todos on the projects table in order to run the default scope. Also includes a where clause because the default scope is being removed soon.
      An alternative approach, more like the Issues page, would be to filter down the list by passing user.authorized_projects into the where clause.
      Or we could just be more defensive in the view when iterating.
      Todos page throws 500 error for users with todos in a project pending deletion.
      cc\ @stanhu
      See merge request !4300
    • Douwe Maan's avatar
      Merge branch 'gh-rate-limit' · b2404508
      Douwe Maan authored
  2. 09 Jun, 2016 3 commits
  3. 02 Jun, 2016 30 commits