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Easy Install

5 6 7
Easy Install is a python module (``easy_install``) bundled with ``setuptools``
that lets you automatically download, build, install, and manage Python

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Please share your experiences with us! If you encounter difficulty installing
a package, please contact us via the `distutils mailing list
<http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/>`_.  (Note: please DO NOT send
private email directly to the author of setuptools; it will be discarded.  The
mailing list is a searchable archive of previously-asked and answered
questions; you should begin your research there before reporting something as a
bug -- and then do so via list discussion first.)

17 18 19 20 21
(Also, if you'd like to learn about how you can use ``setuptools`` to make your
own packages work better with EasyInstall, or provide EasyInstall-like features
without requiring your users to use EasyInstall directly, you'll probably want
to check out the full `setuptools`_ documentation as well.)

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
.. contents:: **Table of Contents**

Using "Easy Install"

29 30
.. _installation instructions:

31 32 33
Installing "Easy Install"

PJ Eby's avatar
PJ Eby committed
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Please see the `setuptools PyPI page <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools>`_
for download links and basic installation instructions for each of the
supported platforms.

You will need at least Python 2.3.5, or if you are on a 64-bit platform, Python
2.4.  An ``easy_install`` script will be installed in the normal location for
Python scripts on your platform.

Note that the instructions on the setuptools PyPI page assume that you are
are installling to Python's primary ``site-packages`` directory.  If this is
not the case, you should consult the section below on `Custom Installation
Locations`_ before installing.  (And, on Windows, you should not use the
``.exe`` installer when installing to an alternate location.)

Note that ``easy_install`` normally works by downloading files from the
internet.  If you are behind an NTLM-based firewall that prevents Python
programs from accessing the net directly, you may wish to first install and use
the `APS proxy server <http://ntlmaps.sf.net/>`_, which lets you get past such
firewalls in the same way that your web browser(s) do.

(Alternately, if you do not wish easy_install to actually download anything, you
can restrict it from doing so with the ``--allow-hosts`` option; see the
sections on `restricting downloads with --allow-hosts`_ and `command-line
options`_ for more details.)

PJ Eby's avatar
PJ Eby committed

60 61

63 64 65 66 67 68
If EasyInstall/setuptools appears to install correctly, and you can run the
``easy_install`` command but it fails with an ``ImportError``, the most likely
cause is that you installed to a location other than ``site-packages``,
without taking any of the steps described in the `Custom Installation
Locations`_ section below.  Please see that section and follow the steps to
make sure that your custom location will work correctly.  Then re-install.

70 71 72 73 74
Similarly, if you can run ``easy_install``, and it appears to be installing
packages, but then you can't import them, the most likely issue is that you
installed EasyInstall correctly but are using it to install packages to a
non-standard location that hasn't been properly prepared.  Again, see the
section on `Custom Installation Locations`_ for more details.
75 76

77 78
Windows Notes
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

On Windows, an ``easy_install.exe`` launcher will also be installed, so that
you can just type ``easy_install`` as long as it's on your ``PATH``.  If typing
``easy_install`` at the command prompt doesn't work, check to make sure your
``PATH`` includes the appropriate ``C:\\Python2X\\Scripts`` directory.  On
most current versions of Windows, you can change the ``PATH`` by right-clicking
"My Computer", choosing "Properties" and selecting the "Advanced" tab, then
clicking the "Environment Variables" button.  ``PATH`` will be in the "System
87 88 89 90
Variables" section, and you will need to exit and restart your command shell
(command.com, cmd.exe, bash, or other) for the change to take effect.  Be sure
to add a ``;`` after the last item on ``PATH`` before adding the scripts
directory to it.
91 92

Note that instead of changing your ``PATH`` to include the Python scripts
directory, you can also retarget the installation location for scripts so they
94 95
go on a directory that's already on the ``PATH``.  For more information see the
sections below on `Command-Line Options`_ and `Configuration Files`_.  You
can pass command line options (such as ``--script-dir``) to
``distribute_setup.py`` to control where ``easy_install.exe`` will be installed.
98 99


101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Downloading and Installing a Package

For basic use of ``easy_install``, you need only supply the filename or URL of
a source distribution or .egg file (`Python Egg`__).

__ http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs

109 110 111 112 113
**Example 1**. Install a package by name, searching PyPI for the latest
version, and automatically downloading, building, and installing it::

    easy_install SQLObject

114 115
**Example 2**. Install or upgrade a package by name and version by finding
links on a given "download page"::

PJ Eby's avatar
PJ Eby committed
    easy_install -f http://pythonpaste.org/package_index.html SQLObject
118 119 120

**Example 3**. Download a source distribution from a specified URL,
automatically building and installing it::
121 122 123

    easy_install http://example.com/path/to/MyPackage-1.2.3.tgz

**Example 4**. Install an already-downloaded .egg file::
125 126 127

    easy_install /my_downloads/OtherPackage-3.2.1-py2.3.egg

**Example 5**.  Upgrade an already-installed package to the latest version
PJ Eby's avatar
PJ Eby committed
listed on PyPI::
130 131 132

    easy_install --upgrade PyProtocols

133 134 135 136 137
**Example 6**.  Install a source distribution that's already downloaded and
extracted in the current directory (New in 0.5a9)::

    easy_install .

138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146
**Example 7**.  (New in 0.6a1) Find a source distribution or Subversion
checkout URL for a package, and extract it or check it out to
``~/projects/sqlobject`` (the name will always be in all-lowercase), where it
can be examined or edited.  (The package will not be installed, but it can
easily be installed with ``easy_install ~/projects/sqlobject``.  See `Editing
and Viewing Source Packages`_ below for more info.)::

    easy_install --editable --build-directory ~/projects SQLObject

147 148 149 150 151
Easy Install accepts URLs, filenames, PyPI package names (i.e., ``distutils``
"distribution" names), and package+version specifiers.  In each case, it will
attempt to locate the latest available version that meets your criteria.

When downloading or processing downloaded files, Easy Install recognizes
152 153 154
distutils source distribution files with extensions of .tgz, .tar, .tar.gz,
.tar.bz2, or .zip.  And of course it handles already-built .egg
distributions as well as ``.win32.exe`` installers built using distutils.
155 156 157

By default, packages are installed to the running Python installation's
``site-packages`` directory, unless you provide the ``-d`` or ``--install-dir``
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
option to specify an alternative directory, or specify an alternate location
using distutils configuration files.  (See `Configuration Files`_, below.)

By default, any scripts included with the package are installed to the running
Python installation's standard script installation location.  However, if you
specify an installation directory via the command line or a config file, then
the default directory for installing scripts will be the same as the package
installation directory, to ensure that the script will have access to the
installed package.  You can override this using the ``-s`` or ``--script-dir``

169 170 171
Installed packages are added to an ``easy-install.pth`` file in the install
directory, so that Python will always use the most-recently-installed version
of the package.  If you would like to be able to select which version to use at
runtime, you should use the ``-m`` or ``--multi-version`` option.
173 174 175 176 177 178

Upgrading a Package

You don't need to do anything special to upgrade a package: just install the
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186
new version, either by requesting a specific version, e.g.::

    easy_install "SomePackage==2.0"

a version greater than the one you have now::

    easy_install "SomePackage>2.0"

187 188 189 190
using the upgrade flag, to find the latest available version on PyPI::

    easy_install --upgrade SomePackage

191 192
or by using a download page, direct download URL, or package filename::

    easy_install -f http://example.com/downloads ExamplePackage
194 195 196 197 198

    easy_install http://example.com/downloads/ExamplePackage-2.0-py2.4.egg

    easy_install my_downloads/ExamplePackage-2.0.tgz

199 200 201 202
If you're using ``-m`` or ``--multi-version`` , using the ``require()``
function at runtime automatically selects the newest installed version of a
package that meets your version criteria.  So, installing a newer version is
the only step needed to upgrade such packages.

204 205 206 207 208
If you're installing to a directory on PYTHONPATH, or a configured "site"
directory (and not using ``-m``), installing a package automatically replaces
any previous version in the ``easy-install.pth`` file, so that Python will
import the most-recently installed version by default.  So, again, installing
the newer version is the only upgrade step needed.

210 211 212
If you haven't suppressed script installation (using ``--exclude-scripts`` or
``-x``), then the upgraded version's scripts will be installed, and they will
be automatically patched to ``require()`` the corresponding version of the
213 214
package, so that you can use them even if they are installed in multi-version

216 217 218 219 220 221
``easy_install`` never actually deletes packages (unless you're installing a
package with the same name and version number as an existing package), so if
you want to get rid of older versions of a package, please see `Uninstalling
Packages`_, below.

222 223
Changing the Active Version
224 225 226 227 228 229 230

If you've upgraded a package, but need to revert to a previously-installed
version, you can do so like this::

    easy_install PackageName==1.2.3

Where ``1.2.3`` is replaced by the exact version number you wish to switch to.
231 232
If a package matching the requested name and version is not already installed
in a directory on ``sys.path``, it will be located via PyPI and installed.

234 235
If you'd like to switch to the latest installed version of ``PackageName``, you
can do so like this::
236 237 238

    easy_install PackageName

239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246
This will activate the latest installed version.  (Note: if you have set any
``find_links`` via distutils configuration files, those download pages will be
checked for the latest available version of the package, and it will be
downloaded and installed if it is newer than your current version.)

Note that changing the active version of a package will install the newly
active version's scripts, unless the ``--exclude-scripts`` or ``-x`` option is
247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262

Uninstalling Packages

If you have replaced a package with another version, then you can just delete
the package(s) you don't need by deleting the PackageName-versioninfo.egg file
or directory (found in the installation directory).

If you want to delete the currently installed version of a package (or all
versions of a package), you should first run::

    easy_install -m PackageName

This will ensure that Python doesn't continue to search for a package you're
planning to remove. After you've done this, you can safely delete the .egg
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301
files or directories, along with any scripts you wish to remove.

Managing Scripts

Whenever you install, upgrade, or change versions of a package, EasyInstall
automatically installs the scripts for the selected package version, unless
you tell it not to with ``-x`` or ``--exclude-scripts``.  If any scripts in
the script directory have the same name, they are overwritten.

Thus, you do not normally need to manually delete scripts for older versions of
a package, unless the newer version of the package does not include a script
of the same name.  However, if you are completely uninstalling a package, you
may wish to manually delete its scripts.

EasyInstall's default behavior means that you can normally only run scripts
from one version of a package at a time.  If you want to keep multiple versions
of a script available, however, you can simply use the ``--multi-version`` or
``-m`` option, and rename the scripts that EasyInstall creates.  This works
because EasyInstall installs scripts as short code stubs that ``require()`` the
matching version of the package the script came from, so renaming the script
has no effect on what it executes.

For example, suppose you want to use two versions of the ``rst2html`` tool
provided by the `docutils <http://docutils.sf.net/>`_ package.  You might
first install one version::

    easy_install -m docutils==0.3.9

then rename the ``rst2html.py`` to ``r2h_039``, and install another version::

    easy_install -m docutils==0.3.10

This will create another ``rst2html.py`` script, this one using docutils
version 0.3.10 instead of 0.3.9.  You now have two scripts, each using a
different version of the package.  (Notice that we used ``-m`` for both
installations, so that Python won't lock us out of using anything but the most
recently-installed version of the package.)
302 303

304 305 306 307 308

Tips & Techniques

309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317
Multiple Python Versions

As of version 0.6a11, EasyInstall installs itself under two names:
``easy_install`` and ``easy_install-N.N``, where ``N.N`` is the Python version
used to install it.  Thus, if you install EasyInstall for both Python 2.3 and
2.4, you can use the ``easy_install-2.3`` or ``easy_install-2.4`` scripts to
install packages for Python 2.3 or 2.4, respectively.

318 319 320 321
Also, if you're working with Python version 2.4 or higher, you can run Python
with ``-m easy_install`` to run that particular Python version's
``easy_install`` command.


323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332
Restricting Downloads with ``--allow-hosts``

You can use the ``--allow-hosts`` (``-H``) option to restrict what domains
EasyInstall will look for links and downloads on.  ``--allow-hosts=None``
prevents downloading altogether.  You can also use wildcards, for example
to restrict downloading to hosts in your own intranet.  See the section below
on `Command-Line Options`_ for more details on the ``--allow-hosts`` option.

By default, there are no host restrictions in effect, but you can change this
333 334 335
default by editing the appropriate `configuration files`_ and adding:

.. code-block:: ini
336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371

    allow_hosts = *.myintranet.example.com,*.python.org

The above example would then allow downloads only from hosts in the
``python.org`` and ``myintranet.example.com`` domains, unless overridden on the
command line.

Installing on Un-networked Machines

Just copy the eggs or source packages you need to a directory on the target
machine, then use the ``-f`` or ``--find-links`` option to specify that
directory's location.  For example::

    easy_install -H None -f somedir SomePackage

will attempt to install SomePackage using only eggs and source packages found
in ``somedir`` and disallowing all remote access.  You should of course make
sure you have all of SomePackage's dependencies available in somedir.

If you have another machine of the same operating system and library versions
(or if the packages aren't platform-specific), you can create the directory of
eggs using a command like this::

    easy_install -zmaxd somedir SomePackage

This will tell EasyInstall to put zipped eggs or source packages for
SomePackage and all its dependencies into ``somedir``, without creating any
scripts or .pth files.  You can then copy the contents of ``somedir`` to the
target machine.  (``-z`` means zipped eggs, ``-m`` means multi-version, which
prevents .pth files from being used, ``-a`` means to copy all the eggs needed,
even if they're installed elsewhere on the machine, and ``-d`` indicates the
directory to place the eggs in.)

372 373 374 375 376 377 378
You can also build the eggs from local development packages that were installed
with the ``setup.py develop`` command, by including the ``-l`` option, e.g.::

    easy_install -zmaxld somedir SomePackage

This will use locally-available source distributions to build the eggs.

379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390

Packaging Others' Projects As Eggs

Need to distribute a package that isn't published in egg form?  You can use
EasyInstall to build eggs for a project.  You'll want to use the ``--zip-ok``,
``--exclude-scripts``, and possibly ``--no-deps`` options (``-z``, ``-x`` and
``-N``, respectively).  Use ``-d`` or ``--install-dir`` to specify the location
where you'd like the eggs placed.  By placing them in a directory that is
published to the web, you can then make the eggs available for download, either
in an intranet or to the internet at large.

391 392 393 394 395 396
If someone distributes a package in the form of a single ``.py`` file, you can
wrap it in an egg by tacking an ``#egg=name-version`` suffix on the file's URL.
So, something like this::

    easy_install -f "http://some.example.com/downloads/foo.py#egg=foo-1.0" foo

will install the package as an egg, and this::
398 399 400 401 402 403

    easy_install -zmaxd. \
        -f "http://some.example.com/downloads/foo.py#egg=foo-1.0" foo

will create a ``.egg`` file in the current directory.

404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415

Creating your own Package Index

In addition to local directories and the Python Package Index, EasyInstall can
find download links on most any web page whose URL is given to the ``-f``
(``--find-links``) option.  In the simplest case, you can simply have a web
page with links to eggs or Python source packages, even an automatically
generated directory listing (such as the Apache web server provides).

If you are setting up an intranet site for package downloads, you may want to
configure the target machines to use your download site by default, adding
416 417 418
something like this to their `configuration files`_:

.. code-block:: ini
419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427

    find_links = http://mypackages.example.com/somedir/

As you can see, you can list multiple URLs separated by whitespace, continuing
on multiple lines if necessary (as long as the subsequent lines are indented.

428 429
If you are more ambitious, you can also create an entirely custom package index
or PyPI mirror.  See the ``--index-url`` option under `Command-Line Options`_,
below, and also the section on `Package Index "API"`_.


433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445
Password-Protected Sites

If a site you want to download from is password-protected using HTTP "Basic"
authentication, you can specify your credentials in the URL, like so::


You can do this with both index page URLs and direct download URLs.  As long
as any HTML pages read by easy_install use *relative* links to point to the
downloads, the same user ID and password will be used to do the downloading.

Controlling Build Options
448 449 450 451

EasyInstall respects standard distutils `Configuration Files`_, so you can use
them to configure build options for packages that it installs from source.  For
example, if you are on Windows using the MinGW compiler, you can configure the
452 453 454
default compiler by putting something like this:

.. code-block:: ini
455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467

    compiler = mingw32

into the appropriate distutils configuration file.  In fact, since this is just
normal distutils configuration, it will affect any builds using that config
file, not just ones done by EasyInstall.  For example, if you add those lines
to ``distutils.cfg`` in the ``distutils`` package directory, it will be the
default compiler for *all* packages you build.  See `Configuration Files`_
below for a list of the standard configuration file locations, and links to
more documentation on using distutils configuration files.

Editing and Viewing Source Packages
470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505

Sometimes a package's source distribution  contains additional documentation,
examples, configuration files, etc., that are not part of its actual code.  If
you want to be able to examine these files, you can use the ``--editable``
option to EasyInstall, and EasyInstall will look for a source distribution
or Subversion URL for the package, then download and extract it or check it out
as a subdirectory of the ``--build-directory`` you specify.  If you then wish
to install the package after editing or configuring it, you can do so by
rerunning EasyInstall with that directory as the target.

Note that using ``--editable`` stops EasyInstall from actually building or
installing the package; it just finds, obtains, and possibly unpacks it for
you.  This allows you to make changes to the package if necessary, and to
either install it in development mode using ``setup.py develop`` (if the
package uses setuptools, that is), or by running ``easy_install projectdir``
(where ``projectdir`` is the subdirectory EasyInstall created for the
downloaded package.

In order to use ``--editable`` (``-e`` for short), you *must* also supply a
``--build-directory`` (``-b`` for short).  The project will be placed in a
subdirectory of the build directory.  The subdirectory will have the same
name as the project itself, but in all-lowercase.  If a file or directory of
that name already exists, EasyInstall will print an error message and exit.

Also, when using ``--editable``, you cannot use URLs or filenames as arguments.
You *must* specify project names (and optional version requirements) so that
EasyInstall knows what directory name(s) to create.  If you need to force
EasyInstall to use a particular URL or filename, you should specify it as a
``--find-links`` item (``-f`` for short), and then also specify
the project name, e.g.::

    easy_install -eb ~/projects \
     -fhttp://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ctypes/ctypes-0.9.6.tar.gz?download \

Dealing with Installation Conflicts

509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517
(NOTE: As of 0.6a11, this section is obsolete; it is retained here only so that
people using older versions of EasyInstall can consult it.  As of version
0.6a11, installation conflicts are handled automatically without deleting the
old or system-installed packages, and without ignoring the issue.  Instead,
eggs are automatically shifted to the front of ``sys.path`` using special
code added to the ``easy-install.pth`` file.  So, if you are using version
0.6a11 or better of setuptools, you do not need to worry about conflicts,
and the following issues do not apply to you.)

518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544
EasyInstall installs distributions in a "managed" way, such that each
distribution can be independently activated or deactivated on ``sys.path``.
However, packages that were not installed by EasyInstall are "unmanaged",
in that they usually live all in one directory and cannot be independently
activated or deactivated.

As a result, if you are using EasyInstall to upgrade an existing package, or
to install a package with the same name as an existing package, EasyInstall
will warn you of the conflict.  (This is an improvement over ``setup.py
install``, becuase the ``distutils`` just install new packages on top of old
ones, possibly combining two unrelated packages or leaving behind modules that
have been deleted in the newer version of the package.)

By default, EasyInstall will stop the installation if it detects a conflict
between an existing, "unmanaged" package, and a module or package in any of
the distributions you're installing.  It will display a list of all of the
existing files and directories that would need to be deleted for the new
package to be able to function correctly.  You can then either delete these
conflicting files and directories yourself and re-run EasyInstall, or you can
just use the ``--delete-conflicting`` or ``--ignore-conflicts-at-my-risk``
options, as described under `Command-Line Options`_, below.

Of course, once you've replaced all of your existing "unmanaged" packages with
versions managed by EasyInstall, you won't have any more conflicts to worry

Compressed Installation
547 548

EasyInstall tries to install packages in zipped form, if it can.  Zipping
549 550 551
packages can improve Python's overall import performance if you're not using
the ``--multi-version`` option, because Python processes zipfile entries on
``sys.path`` much faster than it does directories.
552 553 554 555 556 557

As of version 0.5a9, EasyInstall analyzes packages to determine whether they
can be safely installed as a zipfile, and then acts on its analysis.  (Previous
versions would not install a package as a zipfile unless you used the
``--zip-ok`` option.)

The current analysis approach is fairly conservative; it currenly looks for:
559 560 561 562 563 564 565

 * Any use of the ``__file__`` or ``__path__`` variables (which should be
   replaced with ``pkg_resources`` API calls)

 * Possible use of ``inspect`` functions that expect to manipulate source files
   (e.g. ``inspect.getsource()``)

 * Top-level modules that might be scripts used with ``python -m`` (Python 2.4)
567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588

If any of the above are found in the package being installed, EasyInstall will
assume that the package cannot be safely run from a zipfile, and unzip it to
a directory instead.  You can override this analysis with the ``-zip-ok`` flag,
which will tell EasyInstall to install the package as a zipfile anyway.  Or,
you can use the ``--always-unzip`` flag, in which case EasyInstall will always
unzip, even if its analysis says the package is safe to run as a zipfile.

Normally, however, it is simplest to let EasyInstall handle the determination
of whether to zip or unzip, and only specify overrides when needed to work
around a problem.  If you find you need to override EasyInstall's guesses, you
may want to contact the package author and the EasyInstall maintainers, so that
they can make appropriate changes in future versions.

(Note: If a package uses ``setuptools`` in its setup script, the package author
has the option to declare the package safe or unsafe for zipped usage via the
``zip_safe`` argument to ``setup()``.  If the package author makes such a
declaration, EasyInstall believes the package's author and does not perform its
own analysis.  However, your command-line option, if any, will still override
the package author's choice.)

589 590 591
Reference Manual

592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601
Configuration Files

(New in 0.4a2)

You may specify default options for EasyInstall using the standard
distutils configuration files, under the command heading ``easy_install``.
EasyInstall will look first for a ``setup.cfg`` file in the current directory,
then a ``~/.pydistutils.cfg`` or ``$HOME\\pydistutils.cfg`` (on Unix-like OSes
and Windows, respectively), and finally a ``distutils.cfg`` file in the
602 603 604
``distutils`` package directory.  Here's a simple example:

.. code-block:: ini
605 606 607 608 609


    # set the default location to install packages
    install_dir = /home/me/lib/python

611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618
    # Notice that indentation can be used to continue an option
    # value; this is especially useful for the "--find-links"
    # option, which tells easy_install to use download links on
    # these pages before consulting PyPI:
    find_links = http://sqlobject.org/

619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629
In addition to accepting configuration for its own options under
``[easy_install]``, EasyInstall also respects defaults specified for other
distutils commands.  For example, if you don't set an ``install_dir`` for
``[easy_install]``, but *have* set an ``install_lib`` for the ``[install]``
command, this will become EasyInstall's default installation directory.  Thus,
if you are already using distutils configuration files to set default install
locations, build options, etc., EasyInstall will respect your existing settings
until and unless you override them explicitly in an ``[easy_install]`` section.

For more information, see also the current Python documentation on the `use and
location of distutils configuration files <http://docs.python.org/inst/config-syntax.html>`_.

631 632 633
Notice that ``easy_install`` will use the ``setup.cfg`` from the current
working directory only if it was triggered from ``setup.py`` through the
``install_requires`` option. The standalone command will not use that file.
634 635 636 637

Command-Line Options

``--zip-ok, -z``
639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658
    Install all packages as zip files, even if they are marked as unsafe for
    running as a zipfile.  This can be useful when EasyInstall's analysis
    of a non-setuptools package is too conservative, but keep in mind that
    the package may not work correctly.  (Changed in 0.5a9; previously this
    option was required in order for zipped installation to happen at all.)

``--always-unzip, -Z``
    Don't install any packages as zip files, even if the packages are marked
    as safe for running as a zipfile.  This can be useful if a package does
    something unsafe, but not in a way that EasyInstall can easily detect.
    EasyInstall's default analysis is currently very conservative, however, so
    you should only use this option if you've had problems with a particular
    package, and *after* reporting the problem to the package's maintainer and
    to the EasyInstall maintainers.

    (Note: the ``-z/-Z`` options only affect the installation of newly-built
    or downloaded packages that are not already installed in the target
    directory; if you want to convert an existing installed version from
    zipped to unzipped or vice versa, you'll need to delete the existing
    version first, and re-run EasyInstall.)
659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674

``--multi-version, -m``
    "Multi-version" mode. Specifying this option prevents ``easy_install`` from
    adding an ``easy-install.pth`` entry for the package being installed, and
    if an entry for any version the package already exists, it will be removed
    upon successful installation. In multi-version mode, no specific version of
    the package is available for importing, unless you use
    ``pkg_resources.require()`` to put it on ``sys.path``. This can be as
    simple as::

        from pkg_resources import require
        require("SomePackage", "OtherPackage", "MyPackage")

    which will put the latest installed version of the specified packages on
    ``sys.path`` for you. (For more advanced uses, like selecting specific
    versions and enabling optional dependencies, see the ``pkg_resources`` API
675 676

677 678 679
    Changed in 0.6a10: this option is no longer silently enabled when
    installing to a non-PYTHONPATH, non-"site" directory.  You must always
    explicitly use this option if you want it to be active.

``--upgrade, -U``   (New in 0.5a4)
682 683
    By default, EasyInstall only searches online if a project/version
    requirement can't be met by distributions already installed
684 685
    on sys.path or the installation directory.  However, if you supply the
    ``--upgrade`` or ``-U`` flag, EasyInstall will always check the package
686 687 688 689
    index and ``--find-links`` URLs before selecting a version to install.  In
    this way, you can force EasyInstall to use the latest available version of
    any package it installs (subject to any version requirements that might
    exclude such later versions).

691 692 693 694 695 696
``--install-dir=DIR, -d DIR``
    Set the installation directory. It is up to you to ensure that this
    directory is on ``sys.path`` at runtime, and to use
    ``pkg_resources.require()`` to enable the installed package(s) that you

697 698 699 700
    (New in 0.4a2) If this option is not directly specified on the command line
    or in a distutils configuration file, the distutils default installation
    location is used.  Normally, this would be the ``site-packages`` directory,
    but if you are using distutils configuration files, setting things like
    ``prefix`` or ``install_lib``, then those settings are taken into
702 703
    account when computing the default installation directory, as is the
    ``--prefix`` option.
704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717

``--script-dir=DIR, -s DIR``
    Set the script installation directory.  If you don't supply this option
    (via the command line or a configuration file), but you *have* supplied
    an ``--install-dir`` (via command line or config file), then this option
    defaults to the same directory, so that the scripts will be able to find
    their associated package installation.  Otherwise, this setting defaults
    to the location where the distutils would normally install scripts, taking
    any distutils configuration file settings into account.

``--exclude-scripts, -x``
    Don't install scripts.  This is useful if you need to install multiple
    versions of a package, but do not want to reset the version that will be
    run by scripts that are already installed.

719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726
``--always-copy, -a``   (New in 0.5a4)
    Copy all needed distributions to the installation directory, even if they
    are already present in a directory on sys.path.  In older versions of
    EasyInstall, this was the default behavior, but now you must explicitly
    request it.  By default, EasyInstall will no longer copy such distributions
    from other sys.path directories to the installation directory, unless you
    explicitly gave the distribution's filename on the command line.

727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734
    Note that as of 0.6a10, using this option excludes "system" and
    "development" eggs from consideration because they can't be reliably
    copied.  This may cause EasyInstall to choose an older version of a package
    than what you expected, or it may cause downloading and installation of a
    fresh copy of something that's already installed.  You will see warning
    messages for any eggs that EasyInstall skips, before it falls back to an
    older version or attempts to download a fresh copy.

735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748
    Scan the specified "download pages" or directories for direct links to eggs
    or other distributions.  Any existing file or directory names or direct
    download URLs are immediately added to EasyInstall's search cache, and any
    indirect URLs (ones that don't point to eggs or other recognized archive
    formats) are added to a list of additional places to search for download
    links.  As soon as EasyInstall has to go online to find a package (either
    because it doesn't exist locally, or because ``--upgrade`` or ``-U`` was
    used), the specified URLs will be downloaded and scanned for additional
    direct links.

    Eggs and archives found by way of ``--find-links`` are only downloaded if
    they are needed to meet a requirement specified on the command line; links
    to unneeded packages are ignored.

    If all requested packages can be found using links on the specified
751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769
    download pages, the Python Package Index will not be consulted unless you
    also specified the ``--upgrade`` or ``-U`` option.

    (Note: if you want to refer to a local HTML file containing links, you must
    use a ``file:`` URL, as filenames that do not refer to a directory, egg, or
    archive are ignored.)

    You may specify multiple URLs or file/directory names with this option,
    separated by whitespace.  Note that on the command line, you will probably
    have to surround the URL list with quotes, so that it is recognized as a
    single option value.  You can also specify URLs in a configuration file;
    see `Configuration Files`_, above.

    Changed in 0.6a10: previously all URLs and directories passed to this
    option were scanned as early as possible, but from 0.6a10 on, only
    directories and direct archive links are scanned immediately; URLs are not
    retrieved unless a package search was already going to go online due to a
    package not being available locally, or due to the use of the ``--update``
    or ``-U`` option.

771 772 773 774 775
``--no-find-links`` Blocks the addition of any link. (New in Distribute 0.6.11)
    This is useful if you want to avoid adding links defined in a project
    easy_install is installing (wether it's a requested project or a
    dependency.). When used, ``--find-links`` is ignored.

776 777 778
``--delete-conflicting, -D`` (Removed in 0.6a11)
    (As of 0.6a11, this option is no longer necessary; please do not use it!)

779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786
    If you are replacing a package that was previously installed *without*
    using EasyInstall, the old version may end up on ``sys.path`` before the
    version being installed with EasyInstall.  EasyInstall will normally abort
    the installation of a package if it detects such a conflict, and ask you to
    manually remove the conflicting files or directories.  If you specify this
    option, however, EasyInstall will attempt to delete the files or
    directories itself, and then proceed with the installation.

787 788 789
``--ignore-conflicts-at-my-risk`` (Removed in 0.6a11)
    (As of 0.6a11, this option is no longer necessary; please do not use it!)

790 791 792 793 794 795 796
    Ignore conflicting packages and proceed with installation anyway, even
    though it means the package probably won't work properly.  If the
    conflicting package is in a directory you can't write to, this may be your
    only option, but you will need to take more invasive measures to get the
    installed package to work, like manually adding it to ``PYTHONPATH`` or to
    ``sys.path`` at runtime.

``--index-url=URL, -i URL`` (New in 0.4a1; default changed in 0.6c7)
    Specifies the base URL of the Python Package Index.  The default is
    http://pypi.python.org/simple if not specified.  When a package is requested
    that is not locally available or linked from a ``--find-links`` download
801 802 803 804
    page, the package index will be searched for download pages for the needed
    package, and those download pages will be searched for links to download
    an egg or source distribution.

805 806 807 808 809 810
``--editable, -e`` (New in 0.6a1)
    Only find and download source distributions for the specified projects,
    unpacking them to subdirectories of the specified ``--build-directory``.
    EasyInstall will not actually build or install the requested projects or
    their dependencies; it will just find and extract them for you.  See
    `Editing and Viewing Source Packages`_ above for more details.

812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824
``--build-directory=DIR, -b DIR`` (UPDATED in 0.6a1)
    Set the directory used to build source packages.  If a package is built
    from a source distribution or checkout, it will be extracted to a
    subdirectory of the specified directory.  The subdirectory will have the
    same name as the extracted distribution's project, but in all-lowercase.
    If a file or directory of that name already exists in the given directory,
    a warning will be printed to the console, and the build will take place in
    a temporary directory instead.

    This option is most useful in combination with the ``--editable`` option,
    which forces EasyInstall to *only* find and extract (but not build and
    install) source distributions.  See `Editing and Viewing Source Packages`_,
    above, for more information.

826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853
``--verbose, -v, --quiet, -q`` (New in 0.4a4)
    Control the level of detail of EasyInstall's progress messages.  The
    default detail level is "info", which prints information only about
    relatively time-consuming operations like running a setup script, unpacking
    an archive, or retrieving a URL.  Using ``-q`` or ``--quiet`` drops the
    detail level to "warn", which will only display installation reports,
    warnings, and errors.  Using ``-v`` or ``--verbose`` increases the detail
    level to include individual file-level operations, link analysis messages,
    and distutils messages from any setup scripts that get run.  If you include
    the ``-v`` option more than once, the second and subsequent uses are passed
    down to any setup scripts, increasing the verbosity of their reporting as

``--dry-run, -n`` (New in 0.4a4)
    Don't actually install the package or scripts.  This option is passed down
    to any setup scripts run, so packages should not actually build either.
    This does *not* skip downloading, nor does it skip extracting source
    distributions to a temporary/build directory.

``--optimize=LEVEL``, ``-O LEVEL`` (New in 0.4a4)
    If you are installing from a source distribution, and are *not* using the
    ``--zip-ok`` option, this option controls the optimization level for
    compiling installed ``.py`` files to ``.pyo`` files.  It does not affect
    the compilation of modules contained in ``.egg`` files, only those in
    ``.egg`` directories.  The optimization level can be set to 0, 1, or 2;
    the default is 0 (unless it's set under ``install`` or ``install_lib`` in
    one of your distutils configuration files).

854 855 856 857 858 859
``--record=FILENAME``  (New in 0.5a4)
    Write a record of all installed files to FILENAME.  This is basically the
    same as the same option for the standard distutils "install" command, and
    is included for compatibility with tools that expect to pass this option
    to "setup.py install".

860 861 862
``--site-dirs=DIRLIST, -S DIRLIST``   (New in 0.6a1)
    Specify one or more custom "site" directories (separated by commas).
    "Site" directories are directories where ``.pth`` files are processed, such
863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871
    as the main Python ``site-packages`` directory.  As of 0.6a10, EasyInstall
    automatically detects whether a given directory processes ``.pth`` files
    (or can be made to do so), so you should not normally need to use this
    option.  It is is now only necessary if you want to override EasyInstall's
    judgment and force an installation directory to be treated as if it
    supported ``.pth`` files.

    (If you want to *make* a non-``PYTHONPATH`` directory support ``.pth``
    files, please see the `Administrator Installation`_ section below.)

873 874 875 876 877
``--no-deps, -N``  (New in 0.6a6)
    Don't install any dependencies.  This is intended as a convenience for
    tools that wrap eggs in a platform-specific packaging system.  (We don't
    recommend that you use it for anything else.)

878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897
``--allow-hosts=PATTERNS, -H PATTERNS``   (New in 0.6a6)
    Restrict downloading and spidering to hosts matching the specified glob
    patterns.  E.g. ``-H *.python.org`` restricts web access so that only
    packages listed and downloadable from machines in the ``python.org``
    domain.  The glob patterns must match the *entire* user/host/port section of
    the target URL(s).  For example, ``*.python.org`` will NOT accept a URL
    like ``http://python.org/foo`` or ``http://www.python.org:8080/``.
    Multiple patterns can be specified by separting them with commas.  The
    default pattern is ``*``, which matches anything.

    In general, this option is mainly useful for blocking EasyInstall's web
    access altogether (e.g. ``-Hlocalhost``), or to restrict it to an intranet
    or other trusted site.  EasyInstall will do the best it can to satisfy
    dependencies given your host restrictions, but of course can fail if it
    can't find suitable packages.  EasyInstall displays all blocked URLs, so
    that you can adjust your ``--allow-hosts`` setting if it is more strict
    than you intended.  Some sites may wish to define a restrictive default
    setting for this option in their `configuration files`_, and then manually
    override the setting on the command line as needed.

898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909
``--prefix=DIR`` (New in 0.6a10)
    Use the specified directory as a base for computing the default
    installation and script directories.  On Windows, the resulting default
    directories will be ``prefix\\Lib\\site-packages`` and ``prefix\\Scripts``,
    while on other platforms the defaults will be
    ``prefix/lib/python2.X/site-packages`` (with the appropriate version
    substituted) for libraries and ``prefix/bin`` for scripts.

    Note that the ``--prefix`` option only sets the *default* installation and
    script directories, and does not override the ones set on the command line
    or in a configuration file.

910 911 912 913 914
``--local-snapshots-ok, -l`` (New in 0.6c6)
    Normally, EasyInstall prefers to only install *released* versions of
    projects, not in-development ones, because such projects may not
    have a currently-valid version number.  So, it usually only installs them
    when their ``setup.py`` directory is explicitly passed on the command line.

916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928
    However, if this option is used, then any in-development projects that were
    installed using the ``setup.py develop`` command, will be used to build
    eggs, effectively upgrading the "in-development" project to a snapshot
    release.  Normally, this option is used only in conjunction with the
    ``--always-copy`` option to create a distributable snapshot of every egg
    needed to run an application.

    Note that if you use this option, you must make sure that there is a valid
    version number (such as an SVN revision number tag) for any in-development
    projects that may be used, as otherwise EasyInstall may not be able to tell
    what version of the project is "newer" when future installations or
    upgrades are attempted.


930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957
.. _non-root installation:

Custom Installation Locations

EasyInstall manages what packages are active using Python ``.pth`` files, which
are normally only usable in Python's main ``site-packages`` directory.  On some
platforms (such as Mac OS X), there are additional ``site-packages``
directories that you can use besides the main one, but usually there is only
one directory on the system where you can install packages without extra steps.

There are many reasons, however, why you might want to install packages
somewhere other than the ``site-packages`` directory.  For example, you might
not have write access to that directory.  You may be working with unstable
versions of packages that you don't want to install system-wide.  And so on.

The following sections describe various approaches to custom installation; feel
free to choose which one best suits your system and needs.

`Administrator Installation`_
    This approach is for when you have write access to ``site-packages`` (or
    another directory where ``.pth`` files are processed), but don't want to
    install packages there.  This can also be used by a system administrator
    to enable each user having their own private directories that EasyInstall
    will use to install packages.

`Mac OS X "User" Installation`_
    This approach produces a result similar to an administrator installation
    that gives each user their own private package directory, but on Mac OS X
959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993
    the hard part has already been done for you.  This is probably the best
    approach for Mac OS X users.

`Creating a "Virtual" Python`_
    This approach is for when you don't have "root" or access to write to the
    ``site-packages`` directory, and would like to be able to set up one or
    more "virtual python" executables for your projects.  This approach
    gives you the benefits of multiple Python installations, but without having
    to actually install Python more than once and use up lots of disk space.
    (Only the Python executable is copied; the libraries will be symlinked
    from the systemwide Python.)

    If you don't already have any ``PYTHONPATH`` customization or
    special distutils configuration, and you can't use either of the preceding
    approaches, this is probably the best one for you.

`"Traditional" PYTHONPATH-based Installation`_
    If you already have a custom ``PYTHONPATH``, and/or a custom distutils
    configuration, and don't want to change any of your existing setup, you may
    be interested in this approach.  (If you're using a custom ``.pth`` file to
    point to your custom installation location, however, you should use
    `Administrator Installation`_ to enable ``.pth`` processing in the custom
    location instead, as that is easier and more flexible than this approach.)

Administrator Installation

If you have root access to your machine, you can easily configure it to allow
each user to have their own directory where Python packages can be installed
and managed by EasyInstall.

First, create an ``altinstall.pth`` file in Python's ``site-packages``
directory,  containing the following line (substituting the correct Python

995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004
    import os, site; site.addsitedir(os.path.expanduser('~/lib/python2.3'))

This will automatically add each user's ``~/lib/python2.X`` directory to
``sys.path`` (if it exists), *and* it will process any ``.pth`` files in that
directory -- which is what makes it usable with EasyInstall.

The next step is to create or modify ``distutils.cfg`` in the ``distutils``
directory of your Python library.  The correct directory will be something like
``/usr/lib/python2.X/distutils`` on most Posix systems and something like
``C:\\Python2X\Lib\distutils`` on Windows machines.  Add the following lines
1005 1006 1007
to the file, substituting the correct Python version if necessary:

.. code-block:: ini
1008 1009 1010 1011 1012

    install_lib = ~/lib/python2.3

    # This next line is optional but often quite useful; it directs EasyInstall
1013 1014 1015 1016 1017
    # and the distutils to install scripts in the user's "bin" directory.  For
    # Mac OS X framework Python builds, you should use /usr/local/bin instead,
    # because neither ~/bin nor the default script installation location are on
    # the system PATH.
1018 1019 1020
    install_scripts = ~/bin

This will configure the distutils and EasyInstall to install packages to the
user's home directory by default.
1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044

Of course, you aren't limited to using a ``~/lib/python2.X`` directory with
this approach.  You can substitute a specific systemwide directory if you like.
You can also edit ``~/.pydistutils.cfg`` (or ``~/pydistutils.cfg`` on Windows)
instead of changing the master ``distutils.cfg`` file.  The true keys of this
approach are simply that:

1. any custom installation directory must be added to ``sys.path`` using a
   ``site.addsitedir()`` call from a working ``.pth`` file or

2. The active distutils configuration file(s) or ``easy_install`` command line
   should include the custom directory in the ``--site-dirs`` option, so that
   EasyInstall knows that ``.pth`` files will work in that location.  (This is
   because Python does not keep track of what directories are or aren't enabled
   for ``.pth`` processing, in any way that EasyInstall can find out.)

As long as both of these things have been done, your custom installation
location is good to go.

Mac OS X "User" Installation
1045 1046

If you are on a Mac OS X machine, you should just use the
PJ Eby's avatar
PJ Eby committed
``~/Library/Python/2.x/site-packages`` directory as your custom installation
1048 1049 1050 1051
location, because it is already configured to process ``.pth`` files, and
EasyInstall already knows this.

Before installing EasyInstall/setuptools, just create a ``~/.pydistutils.cfg``
1052 1053 1054
file with the following contents (or add this to the existing contents):

.. code-block:: ini
1055 1056

PJ Eby's avatar
PJ Eby committed
    install_lib = ~/Library/Python/$py_version_short/site-packages
    install_scripts = ~/bin

This will tell the distutils and EasyInstall to always install packages in
1061 1062 1063 1064 1065
your personal ``site-packages`` directory, and scripts to ``~/bin``.  (Note: do
*not* replace ``$py_version_short`` with an actual Python version in the
configuration file!  The distutils will substitute the correct value at
runtime, so that the above configuration file should work correctly no matter
what Python version you use, now or in the future.)

Once you have done this, you can follow the normal `installation instructions`_
1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073
and use ``easy_install`` without any other special options or steps.

(Note, however, that ``~/bin`` is not in the default ``PATH``, so you may have
to refer to scripts by their full location.  You may want to modify your shell
startup script (likely ``.bashrc`` or ``.profile``) or your
``~/.MacOSX/environment.plist`` to include ``~/bin`` in your ``PATH``.
1074 1075 1076 1077 1078

Creating a "Virtual" Python

1079 1080 1081 1082 1083
If you are on a Linux, BSD, Cygwin, or other similar Unix-like operating
system, but don't have root access, you can create your own "virtual"
Python installation, which uses its own library directories and some symlinks
to the site-wide Python.

1084 1085 1086 1087
Please refer to the `virtualenv`_ documentation for creating such an

.. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094

"Traditional" ``PYTHONPATH``-based Installation

This installation method is not as robust or as flexible as `creating a
"virtual" python`_ installation, as it uses various tricks to fool Python into
1095 1096 1097 1098
processing ``.pth`` files where it normally wouldn't.  We suggest you at least
consider using one of the other approaches, as they will generally result in
a cleaner, more usable Python configuration.  However, if for some reason you
can't or won't use one of the other approaches, here's how to do it.
1099 1100 1101 1102

Assuming that you want to install packages in a directory called ``~/py-lib``,
and scripts in ``~/bin``, here's what you need to do:

First, edit ``~/.pydistutils.cfg`` to include these settings, if you don't
1104 1105 1106
already have them:

.. code-block:: ini
1107 1108 1109 1110

    install_lib = ~/py-lib
    install_scripts = ~/bin

Be sure to do this *before* you try to run the ``distribute_setup.py``
1113 1114 1115
installation script.  Then, follow the standard `installation instructions`_,
but make sure that ``~/py-lib`` is listed in your ``PYTHONPATH`` environment
1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121

Your library installation directory *must* be in listed in ``PYTHONPATH``,
not only when you install packages with EasyInstall, but also when you use
any packages that are installed using EasyInstall.  You will probably want to
edit your ``~/.profile`` or other configuration file(s) to ensure that it is
set, if you haven't already got this set up on your machine.


1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214
Package Index "API"

Custom package indexes (and PyPI) must follow the following rules for
EasyInstall to be able to look up and download packages:

1. Except where stated otherwise, "pages" are HTML or XHTML, and "links"
   refer to ``href`` attributes.

2. Individual project version pages' URLs must be of the form
   ``base/projectname/version``, where ``base`` is the package index's base URL.

3. Omitting the ``/version`` part of a project page's URL (but keeping the
   trailing ``/``) should result in a page that is either:

   a) The single active version of that project, as though the version had been
      explicitly included, OR

   b) A page with links to all of the active version pages for that project.

4. Individual project version pages should contain direct links to downloadable
   distributions where possible.  It is explicitly permitted for a project's
   "long_description" to include URLs, and these should be formatted as HTML
   links by the package index, as EasyInstall does no special processing to
   identify what parts of a page are index-specific and which are part of the
   project's supplied description.

5. Where available, MD5 information should be added to download URLs by
   appending a fragment identifier of the form ``#md5=...``, where ``...`` is
   the 32-character hex MD5 digest.  EasyInstall will verify that the
   downloaded file's MD5 digest matches the given value.

6. Individual project version pages should identify any "homepage" or
   "download" URLs using ``rel="homepage"`` and ``rel="download"`` attributes
   on the HTML elements linking to those URLs. Use of these attributes will
   cause EasyInstall to always follow the provided links, unless it can be
   determined by inspection that they are downloadable distributions. If the
   links are not to downloadable distributions, they are retrieved, and if they
   are HTML, they are scanned for download links. They are *not* scanned for
   additional "homepage" or "download" links, as these are only processed for
   pages that are part of a package index site.

7. The root URL of the index, if retrieved with a trailing ``/``, must result
   in a page containing links to *all* projects' active version pages.

   (Note: This requirement is a workaround for the absence of case-insensitive
   ``safe_name()`` matching of project names in URL paths. If project names are
   matched in this fashion (e.g. via the PyPI server, mod_rewrite, or a similar
   mechanism), then it is not necessary to include this all-packages listing

8. If a package index is accessed via a ``file://`` URL, then EasyInstall will
   automatically use ``index.html`` files, if present, when trying to read a
   directory with a trailing ``/`` on the URL.

Backward Compatibility

Package indexes that wish to support setuptools versions prior to 0.6b4 should
also follow these rules:

* Homepage and download links must be preceded with ``"<th>Home Page"`` or
  ``"<th>Download URL"``, in addition to (or instead of) the ``rel=""``
  attributes on the actual links.  These marker strings do not need to be
  visible, or uncommented, however!  For example, the following is a valid
  homepage link that will work with any version of setuptools::

     <strong>Home Page:</strong>
     <!-- <th>Home Page -->
     <a rel="homepage" href="http://sqlobject.org">http://sqlobject.org</a>

  Even though the marker string is in an HTML comment, older versions of
  EasyInstall will still "see" it and know that the link that follows is the
  project's home page URL.

* The pages described by paragraph 3(b) of the preceding section *must*
  contain the string ``"Index of Packages</title>"`` somewhere in their text.
  This can be inside of an HTML comment, if desired, and it can be anywhere
  in the page.  (Note: this string MUST NOT appear on normal project pages, as
  described in paragraphs 2 and 3(a)!)

In addition, for compatibility with PyPI versions that do not use ``#md5=``
fragment IDs, EasyInstall uses the following regular expression to match PyPI's
displayed MD5 info (broken onto two lines for readability)::

    <a href="([^"#]+)">([^<]+)</a>\n\s+\(<a href="[^?]+\?:action=show_md5

tarek's avatar
tarek committed
1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267

 * Fixed ``win32.exe`` support for .pth files, so unnecessary directory nesting
   is flattened out in the resulting egg.  (There was a case-sensitivity
   problem that affected some distributions, notably ``pywin32``.)

 * Prevent ``--help-commands`` and other junk from showing under Python 2.5
   when running ``easy_install --help``.

 * Fixed GUI scripts sometimes not executing on Windows

 * Fixed not picking up dependency links from recursive dependencies.

 * Only make ``.py``, ``.dll`` and ``.so`` files executable when unpacking eggs

 * Changes for Jython compatibility

 * Improved error message when a requirement is also a directory name, but the
   specified directory is not a source package.

 * Fixed ``--allow-hosts`` option blocking ``file:`` URLs

 * Fixed HTTP SVN detection failing when the page title included a project
   name (e.g. on SourceForge-hosted SVN)

 * Fix Jython script installation to handle ``#!`` lines better when
   ``sys.executable`` is a script.

 * Removed use of deprecated ``md5`` module if ``hashlib`` is available

 * Keep site directories (e.g. ``site-packages``) from being included in
   ``.pth`` files.

 * ``ftp:`` download URLs now work correctly.

 * The default ``--index-url`` is now ``http://pypi.python.org/simple``, to use
   the Python Package Index's new simpler (and faster!) REST API.

 * EasyInstall no longer aborts the installation process if a URL it wants to
   retrieve can't be downloaded, unless the URL is an actual package download.
   Instead, it issues a warning and tries to keep going.

 * Fixed distutils-style scripts originally built on Windows having their line
   endings doubled when installed on any platform.

 * Added ``--local-snapshots-ok`` flag, to allow building eggs from projects
   installed using ``setup.py develop``.

 * Fixed not HTML-decoding URLs scraped from web pages

tarek's avatar
tarek committed
1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713
 * Fixed ``.dll`` files on Cygwin not having executable permisions when an egg
   is installed unzipped.

 * Added support for HTTP "Basic" authentication using ``http://user:pass@host``
   URLs.  If a password-protected page contains links to the same host (and
   protocol), those links will inherit the credentials used to access the
   original page.

 * Removed all special support for Sourceforge mirrors, as Sourceforge's
   mirror system now works well for non-browser downloads.

 * Fixed not recognizing ``win32.exe`` installers that included a custom

 * Fixed not allowing ``os.open()`` of paths outside the sandbox, even if they
   are opened read-only (e.g. reading ``/dev/urandom`` for random numbers, as
   is done by ``os.urandom()`` on some platforms).

 * Fixed a problem with ``.pth`` testing on Windows when ``sys.executable``
   has a space in it (e.g., the user installed Python to a ``Program Files``

 * You can once again use "python -m easy_install" with Python 2.4 and above.

 * Python 2.5 compatibility fixes added.

 * Windows script wrappers now support quoted arguments and arguments
   containing spaces.  (Patch contributed by Jim Fulton.)

 * The ``ez_setup.py`` script now actually works when you put a setuptools
   ``.egg`` alongside it for bootstrapping an offline machine.

 * A writable installation directory on ``sys.path`` is no longer required to
   download and extract a source distribution using ``--editable``.

 * Generated scripts now use ``-x`` on the ``#!`` line when ``sys.executable``
   contains non-ASCII characters, to prevent deprecation warnings about an
   unspecified encoding when the script is run.

 * EasyInstall now includes setuptools version information in the
   ``User-Agent`` string sent to websites it visits.

 * Fix creating Python wrappers for non-Python scripts

 * Fix ``ftp://`` directory listing URLs from causing a crash when used in the
   "Home page" or "Download URL" slots on PyPI.

 * Fix ``sys.path_importer_cache`` not being updated when an existing zipfile
   or directory is deleted/overwritten.

 * Fix not recognizing HTML 404 pages from package indexes.

 * Allow ``file://`` URLs to be used as a package index.  URLs that refer to
   directories will use an internally-generated directory listing if there is
   no ``index.html`` file in the directory.

 * Allow external links in a package index to be specified using
   ``rel="homepage"`` or ``rel="download"``, without needing the old
   PyPI-specific visible markup.

 * Suppressed warning message about possibly-misspelled project name, if an egg
   or link for that project name has already been seen.

 * Fix local ``--find-links`` eggs not being copied except with

 * Fix sometimes not detecting local packages installed outside of "site"

 * Fix mysterious errors during initial ``setuptools`` install, caused by
   ``ez_setup`` trying to run ``easy_install`` twice, due to a code fallthru
   after deleting the egg from which it's running.

 * Don't install or update a ``site.py`` patch when installing to a
   ``PYTHONPATH`` directory with ``--multi-version``, unless an
   ``easy-install.pth`` file is already in use there.

 * Construct ``.pth`` file paths in such a way that installing an egg whose
   name begins with ``import`` doesn't cause a syntax error.

 * Fixed a bogus warning message that wasn't updated since the 0.5 versions.

 * Better ambiguity management: accept ``#egg`` name/version even if processing
   what appears to be a correctly-named distutils file, and ignore ``.egg``
   files with no ``-``, since valid Python ``.egg`` files always have a version
   number (but Scheme eggs often don't).

 * Support ``file://`` links to directories in ``--find-links``, so that
   easy_install can build packages from local source checkouts.

 * Added automatic retry for Sourceforge mirrors.  The new download process is
   to first just try dl.sourceforge.net, then randomly select mirror IPs and
   remove ones that fail, until something works.  The removed IPs stay removed
   for the remainder of the run.

 * Ignore bdist_dumb distributions when looking at download URLs.

 * Process ``dependency_links.txt`` if found in a distribution, by adding the
   URLs to the list for scanning.

 * Use relative paths in ``.pth`` files when eggs are being installed to the
   same directory as the ``.pth`` file.  This maximizes portability of the
   target directory when building applications that contain eggs.

 * Added ``easy_install-N.N`` script(s) for convenience when using multiple
   Python versions.

 * Added automatic handling of installation conflicts.  Eggs are now shifted to
   the front of sys.path, in an order consistent with where they came from,
   making EasyInstall seamlessly co-operate with system package managers.

   The ``--delete-conflicting`` and ``--ignore-conflicts-at-my-risk`` options
   are now no longer necessary, and will generate warnings at the end of a
   run if you use them.

 * Don't recursively traverse subdirectories given to ``--find-links``.

 * Added exhaustive testing of the install directory, including a spawn test
   for ``.pth`` file support, and directory writability/existence checks.  This
   should virtually eliminate the need to set or configure ``--site-dirs``.

 * Added ``--prefix`` option for more do-what-I-mean-ishness in the absence of
   RTFM-ing.  :)

 * Enhanced ``PYTHONPATH`` support so that you don't have to put any eggs on it
   manually to make it work.  ``--multi-version`` is no longer a silent
   default; you must explicitly use it if installing to a non-PYTHONPATH,
   non-"site" directory.

 * Expand ``$variables`` used in the ``--site-dirs``, ``--build-directory``,
   ``--install-dir``, and ``--script-dir`` options, whether on the command line
   or in configuration files.

 * Improved SourceForge mirror processing to work faster and be less affected
   by transient HTML changes made by SourceForge.

 * PyPI searches now use the exact spelling of requirements specified on the
   command line or in a project's ``install_requires``.  Previously, a
   normalized form of the name was used, which could lead to unnecessary
   full-index searches when a project's name had an underscore (``_``) in it.

 * EasyInstall can now download bare ``.py`` files and wrap them in an egg,
   as long as you include an ``#egg=name-version`` suffix on the URL, or if
   the ``.py`` file is listed as the "Download URL" on the project's PyPI page.
   This allows third parties to "package" trivial Python modules just by
   linking to them (e.g. from within their own PyPI page or download links

 * The ``--always-copy`` option now skips "system" and "development" eggs since
   they can't be reliably copied.  Note that this may cause EasyInstall to
   choose an older version of a package than what you expected, or it may cause
   downloading and installation of a fresh version of what's already installed.

 * The ``--find-links`` option previously scanned all supplied URLs and
   directories as early as possible, but now only directories and direct
   archive links are scanned immediately.  URLs are not retrieved unless a
   package search was already going to go online due to a package not being
   available locally, or due to the use of the ``--update`` or ``-U`` option.

 * Fixed the annoying ``--help-commands`` wart.

 * Fixed ``.pth`` file processing picking up nested eggs (i.e. ones inside
   "baskets") when they weren't explicitly listed in the ``.pth`` file.

 * If more than one URL appears to describe the exact same distribution, prefer
   the shortest one.  This helps to avoid "table of contents" CGI URLs like the
   ones on effbot.org.

 * Quote arguments to python.exe (including python's path) to avoid problems
   when Python (or a script) is installed in a directory whose name contains
   spaces on Windows.

 * Support full roundtrip translation of eggs to and from ``bdist_wininst``
   format.  Running ``bdist_wininst`` on a setuptools-based package wraps the
   egg in an .exe that will safely install it as an egg (i.e., with metadata
   and entry-point wrapper scripts), and ``easy_install`` can turn the .exe
   back into an ``.egg`` file or directory and install it as such.

 * Update for changed SourceForge mirror format

 * Fixed not installing dependencies for some packages fetched via Subversion

 * Fixed dependency installation with ``--always-copy`` not using the same
   dependency resolution procedure as other operations.

 * Fixed not fully removing temporary directories on Windows, if a Subversion
   checkout left read-only files behind

 * Fixed some problems building extensions when Pyrex was installed, especially
   with Python 2.4 and/or packages using SWIG.

 * Fixed not being able to install Windows script wrappers using Python 2.3

 * Added support for "traditional" PYTHONPATH-based non-root installation, and
   also the convenient ``virtual-python.py`` script, based on a contribution
   by Ian Bicking.  The setuptools egg now contains a hacked ``site`` module
   that makes the PYTHONPATH-based approach work with .pth files, so that you
   can get the full EasyInstall feature set on such installations.

 * Added ``--no-deps`` and ``--allow-hosts`` options.

 * Improved Windows ``.exe`` script wrappers so that the script can have the
   same name as a module without confusing Python.

 * Changed dependency processing so that it's breadth-first, allowing a
   depender's preferences to override those of a dependee, to prevent conflicts
   when a lower version is acceptable to the dependee, but not the depender.
   Also, ensure that currently installed/selected packages aren't given
   precedence over ones desired by a package being installed, which could
   cause conflict errors.

 * Improved error message when trying to use old ways of running
   ``easy_install``.  Removed the ability to run via ``python -m`` or by
   running ``easy_install.py``; ``easy_install`` is the command to run on all
   supported platforms.

 * Improved wrapper script generation and runtime initialization so that a
   VersionConflict doesn't occur if you later install a competing version of a
   needed package as the default version of that package.

 * Fixed a problem parsing version numbers in ``#egg=`` links.

 * EasyInstall can now install "console_scripts" defined by packages that use
   ``setuptools`` and define appropriate entry points.  On Windows, console
   scripts get an ``.exe`` wrapper so you can just type their name.  On other
   platforms, the scripts are installed without a file extension.

 * Using ``python -m easy_install`` or running ``easy_install.py`` is now
   DEPRECATED, since an ``easy_install`` wrapper is now available on all

 * EasyInstall now does MD5 validation of downloads from PyPI, or from any link
   that has an "#md5=..." trailer with a 32-digit lowercase hex md5 digest.

 * EasyInstall now handles symlinks in target directories by removing the link,
   rather than attempting to overwrite the link's destination.  This makes it
   easier to set up an alternate Python "home" directory (as described above in
   the `Non-Root Installation`_ section).

 * Added support for handling MacOS platform information in ``.egg`` filenames,
   based on a contribution by Kevin Dangoor.  You may wish to delete and
   reinstall any eggs whose filename includes "darwin" and "Power_Macintosh",
   because the format for this platform information has changed so that minor
   OS X upgrades (such as 10.4.1 to 10.4.2) do not cause eggs built with a
   previous OS version to become obsolete.

 * easy_install's dependency processing algorithms have changed.  When using
   ``--always-copy``, it now ensures that dependencies are copied too.  When
   not using ``--always-copy``, it tries to use a single resolution loop,
   rather than recursing.

 * Fixed installing extra ``.pyc`` or ``.pyo`` files for scripts with ``.py``

 * Added ``--site-dirs`` option to allow adding custom "site" directories.
   Made ``easy-install.pth`` work in platform-specific alternate site
   directories (e.g. ``~/Library/Python/2.x/site-packages`` on Mac OS X).

 * If you manually delete the current version of a package, the next run of
   EasyInstall against the target directory will now remove the stray entry
   from the ``easy-install.pth`` file.

 * EasyInstall now recognizes URLs with a ``#egg=project_name`` fragment ID
   as pointing to the named project's source checkout.  Such URLs have a lower
   match precedence than any other kind of distribution, so they'll only be
   used if they have a higher version number than any other available
   distribution, or if you use the ``--editable`` option.  The ``#egg``
   fragment can contain a version if it's formatted as ``#egg=proj-ver``,
   where ``proj`` is the project name, and ``ver`` is the version number.  You
   *must* use the format for these values that the ``bdist_egg`` command uses;
   i.e., all non-alphanumeric runs must be condensed to single underscore

 * Added the ``--editable`` option; see `Editing and Viewing Source Packages`_
   above for more info.  Also, slightly changed the behavior of the
   ``--build-directory`` option.

 * Fixed the setup script sandbox facility not recognizing certain paths as
   valid on case-insensitive platforms.

 * Fix ``python -m easy_install`` not working due to setuptools being installed
   as a zipfile.  Update safety scanner to check for modules that might be used
   as ``python -m`` scripts.

 * Misc. fixes for win32.exe support, including changes to support Python 2.4's
   changed ``bdist_wininst`` format.

 * Put the ``easy_install`` module back in as a module, as it's needed for
   ``python -m`` to run it!

 * Allow ``--find-links/-f`` to accept local directories or filenames as well
   as URLs.

 * EasyInstall now automatically detects when an "unmanaged" package or
   module is going to be on ``sys.path`` ahead of a package you're installing,
   thereby preventing the newer version from being imported.  By default, it
   will abort installation to alert you of the problem, but there are also
   new options (``--delete-conflicting`` and ``--ignore-conflicts-at-my-risk``)
   available to change the default behavior.  (Note: this new feature doesn't
   take effect for egg files that were built with older ``setuptools``
   versions, because they lack the new metadata file required to implement it.)

 * The ``easy_install`` distutils command now uses ``DistutilsError`` as its
   base error type for errors that should just issue a message to stderr and
   exit the program without a traceback.

 * EasyInstall can now be given a path to a directory containing a setup
   script, and it will attempt to build and install the package there.

 * EasyInstall now performs a safety analysis on module contents to determine
   whether a package is likely to run in zipped form, and displays
   information about what modules may be doing introspection that would break
   when running as a zipfile.

 * Added the ``--always-unzip/-Z`` option, to force unzipping of packages that
   would ordinarily be considered safe to unzip, and changed the meaning of
   ``--zip-ok/-z`` to "always leave everything zipped".

 * There is now a separate documentation page for `setuptools`_; revision
   history that's not specific to EasyInstall has been moved to that page.

 .. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools

 * Made ``easy_install`` a standard ``setuptools`` command, moving it from
   the ``easy_install`` module to ``setuptools.command.easy_install``.  Note
   that if you were importing or extending it, you must now change your imports
   accordingly.  ``easy_install.py`` is still installed as a script, but not as
   a module.

 * Added ``--always-copy/-a`` option to always copy needed packages to the
   installation directory, even if they're already present elsewhere on
   sys.path. (In previous versions, this was the default behavior, but now
   you must request it.)

 * Added ``--upgrade/-U`` option to force checking PyPI for latest available
   version(s) of all packages requested by name and version, even if a matching
   version is available locally.

 * Added automatic installation of dependencies declared by a distribution
   being installed.  These dependencies must be listed in the distribution's
   ``EGG-INFO`` directory, so the distribution has to have declared its
   dependencies by using setuptools.  If a package has requirements it didn't
   declare, you'll still have to deal with them yourself.  (E.g., by asking
   EasyInstall to find and install them.)

 * Added the ``--record`` option to ``easy_install`` for the benefit of tools
   that run ``setup.py install --record=filename`` on behalf of another
   packaging system.)

 * Fixed not setting script permissions to allow execution.

 * Improved sandboxing so that setup scripts that want a temporary directory
   (e.g. pychecker) can still run in the sandbox.

 * Fix stupid stupid refactoring-at-the-last-minute typos.  :(

 * Added support for converting ``.win32.exe`` installers to eggs on the fly.
   EasyInstall will now recognize such files by name and install them.

 * Fixed a problem with picking the "best" version to install (versions were
   being sorted as strings, rather than as parsed values)

 * Added support for the distutils "verbose/quiet" and "dry-run" options, as
   well as the "optimize" flag.

 * Support downloading packages that were uploaded to PyPI (by scanning all
   links on package pages, not just the homepage/download links).

 * Add progress messages to the search/download process so that you can tell
   what URLs it's reading to find download links.  (Hopefully, this will help
   people report out-of-date and broken links to package authors, and to tell
   when they've asked for a package that doesn't exist.)

 * Added support for installing scripts

 * Added support for setting options via distutils configuration files, and
   using distutils' default options as a basis for EasyInstall's defaults.

 * Renamed ``--scan-url/-s`` to ``--find-links/-f`` to free up ``-s`` for the
   script installation directory option.

 * Use ``urllib2`` instead of ``urllib``, to allow use of ``https:`` URLs if
   Python includes SSL support.

 * Added ``--scan-url`` and ``--index-url`` options, to scan download pages
   and search PyPI for needed packages.

 * Restrict ``--build-directory=DIR/-b DIR`` option to only be used with single
   URL installs, to avoid running the wrong setup.py.

 * Added ``--build-directory=DIR/-b DIR`` option.

 * Added "installation report" that explains how to use 'require()' when doing
   a multiversion install or alternate installation directory.

 * Added SourceForge mirror auto-select (Contributed by Ian Bicking)

 * Added "sandboxing" that stops a setup script from running if it attempts to
   write to the filesystem outside of the build area

 * Added more workarounds for packages with quirky ``install_data`` hacks

 * Added subversion download support for ``svn:`` and ``svn+`` URLs, as well as
   automatic recognition of HTTP subversion URLs (Contributed by Ian Bicking)

 * Misc. bug fixes

 * Initial release.

1714 1715 1716
Future Plans

1717 1718
* Additional utilities to list/remove/verify packages
* Signature checking?  SSL?  Ability to suppress PyPI search?
1719 1720 1721
* Display byte progress meter when downloading distributions and long pages?
* Redirect stdout/stderr to log during run_setup?