• PJ Eby's avatar
    Overhauled Windows script wrapping to support ``bdist_wininst`` better. · e44a3a3a
    PJ Eby authored
    Scripts installed with ``bdist_wininst`` will always use ``#!python.exe`` or
    ``#!pythonw.exe`` as the executable name (even when built on non-Windows
    platforms!), and the wrappers will look for the executable in the script's
    parent directory (which should find the right version of Python).
    (backport from trunk)
    branch : setuptools-0.6
    extra : convert_revision : svn%3A6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771/sandbox/branches/setuptools-0.6%4053194
launcher.c 7.14 KB