• PJ Eby's avatar
    Fixed some problems with fresh checkouts of projects that don't include · f9aa7e9e
    PJ Eby authored
    ``.egg-info/PKG-INFO`` under revision control and put the project's source
    code directly in the project directory.  If such a package had any
    requirements that get processed before the ``egg_info`` command can be run,
    the setup scripts would fail with a "Missing 'Version:' header and/or
    PKG-INFO file" error, because the egg runtime interpreted the unbuilt
    metadata in a directory on ``sys.path`` (i.e. the current directory) as
    being a corrupted egg.  Setuptools now monkeypatches the distribution
    metadata cache to pretend that the egg has valid version information, until
    it has a chance to make it actually be so (via the ``egg_info`` command).
    branch : setuptools
    extra : convert_revision : svn%3A6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771/sandbox/trunk/setuptools%4041401
setuptools.txt 103 KB