Commit 0746957d authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Remove superfluous raw strings

parent f2a0b309
......@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ def _augment_exception(exc, version, arch=''):
if "vcvarsall" in message.lower() or "visual c" in message.lower():
# Special error message if MSVC++ not installed
tmpl = 'Microsoft Visual C++ %0.1f is required (%s).'
message = tmpl % version, message
msdownload = r''
tmpl = 'Microsoft Visual C++ {version:0.1f} is required {message}.'
message = tmpl.format(**locals())
msdownload = ''
if version == 9.0:
if arch.lower().find('ia64') > -1:
# For VC++ 9.0, if IA64 support is needed, redirect user
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ def _augment_exception(exc, version, arch=''):
# For VC++ 9.0 redirect user to Vc++ for Python 2.7 :
# This redirection link is maintained by Microsoft.
# Contact if it needs updating.
message += r' Get it from'
message += ' Get it from'
elif version == 10.0:
# For VC++ 10.0 Redirect user to Windows SDK 7.1
message += ' Get it with "Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1": '
......@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ class RegistryInfo:
Microsoft Visual Studio root registry key.
return os.path.join(, r'VisualStudio')
return os.path.join(, 'VisualStudio')
def sxs(self):
......@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
arch_subdir = self.pi.target_dir(x64=True)
lib = os.path.join(, 'lib')
libver = self._get_content_dirname(lib)
return [os.path.join(lib, r'%sum%s' % (libver, arch_subdir))]
return [os.path.join(lib, '%sum%s' % (libver, arch_subdir))]
def OSIncludes(self):
......@@ -898,13 +898,13 @@ class EnvironmentInfo:
if self.vc_ver >= 14.0:
libpath += [ref,
os.path.join(, 'UnionMetadata'),
os.path.join(ref, r'Windows.Foundation.'
os.path.join(ref, 'Windows.Foundation.'
os.path.join(ref, r'Windows.Foundation.'
os.path.join(ref, 'Windows.Foundation.'
os.path.join(ref, r'Windows.Networking.Connectivity.'
os.path.join(ref, 'Windows.Networking.Connectivity.'
os.path.join(, r'ExtensionSDKs'
os.path.join(, 'ExtensionSDKs'
r'\CommonConfiguration\neutral' %
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