Commit 0855f30c authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Bump version: 50.3.0 → 50.3.1

parent f0878e96
current_version = 50.3.0
current_version = 50.3.1
commit = True
tag = True
* #2093: Finalized doc revamp.
* #2097: doc: simplify index and group deprecated files
* #2102: doc overhaul step 2: break main doc into multiple sections
* #2111: doc overhaul step 3: update userguide
* #2395: Added a ``:user:`` role to Sphinx config -- by :user:`webknjaz`
* #2395: Added an illustrative explanation about the change notes to fragments dir -- by :user:`webknjaz`
* #2379: Travis CI test suite now tests against PPC64.
* #2413: Suppress EOF errors (and other exceptions) when importing lib2to3.
doc: simplify index and group deprecated files
doc overhaul step 2: break main doc into multiple sections
\ No newline at end of file
doc overhaul step 3: update userguide
Travis CI test suite now tests against PPC64.
Added a ``:user:`` role to Sphinx config -- by :user:`webknjaz`
Added an illustrative explanation about the change notes to fragments dir -- by :user:`webknjaz`
Suppress EOF errors (and other exceptions) when importing lib2to3.
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ formats = zip
name = setuptools
version = 50.3.0
version = 50.3.1
description = Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
author = Python Packaging Authority
author_email =
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