Commit 1ad68c6f authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Try doctest with full exception name

parent 16e9ae36
......@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ working set triggers a ``pkg_resources.VersionConflict`` error:
>>> ws.find(Requirement.parse("Bar==1.0")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Traceback (most recent call last):
VersionConflict: (Bar 0.9 (,
pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (Bar 0.9 (,
You can subscribe a callback function to receive notifications whenever a new
distribution is added to a working set. The callback is immediately invoked
......@@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ again for new distributions added thereafter::
>>> def added(dist): print "Added", dist
>>> ws.subscribe(added)
Added Bar 0.9
>>> foo12 = Distribution(project_name="Foo", version="1.2", location="f12")
>>> foo12 = Distribution(project_name="Foo", version="1.2", location="f12")
>>> ws.add(foo12)
Added Foo 1.2
Note, however, that only the first distribution added for a given project name
will trigger a callback, even during the initial ``subscribe()`` callback::
>>> foo14 = Distribution(project_name="Foo", version="1.4", location="f14")
>>> foo14 = Distribution(project_name="Foo", version="1.4", location="f14")
>>> ws.add(foo14) # no callback, because Foo 1.2 is already active
>>> ws = WorkingSet([])
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ will trigger a callback, even during the initial ``subscribe()`` callback::
>>> ws.add(foo14)
>>> ws.subscribe(added)
Added Foo 1.2
And adding a callback more than once has no effect, either::
>>> ws.subscribe(added) # no callbacks
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ Finding Plugins
>>> plugins.add(foo12)
>>> plugins.add(foo14)
>>> plugins.add(just_a_test)
In the simplest case, we just get the newest version of each distribution in
the plugin environment::
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ number does not matter::
>>> cp("macosx-9.5-ppc", reqd)
Backwards compatibility for packages made via earlier versions of
Backwards compatibility for packages made via earlier versions of
setuptools is provided as well::
>>> cp("darwin-8.2.0-Power_Macintosh", reqd)
......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ Environment Markers
>>> print(im("sys_platform=="))
unexpected EOF while parsing (line 1)
>>> print(im("sys_platform=='win32'"))
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Environment Markers
>>> print(im("'foo')=='y'"))
Language feature not supported in environment markers
>>> print(im("'x'=='y' and'foo')=='y'")) # no short-circuit!
Language feature not supported in environment markers
......@@ -364,25 +364,25 @@ Environment Markers
>>> print(im("'x' < 'y'"))
'<' operator not allowed in environment markers
>>> print(im("'x' < 'y' < 'z'"))
Chained comparison not allowed in environment markers
>>> print(im("r'x'=='x'"))
Only plain strings allowed in environment markers
>>> print(im("'''x'''=='x'"))
Only plain strings allowed in environment markers
>>> print(im('"""x"""=="x"'))
Only plain strings allowed in environment markers
>>> print(im(r"'x\n'=='x'"))
Only plain strings allowed in environment markers
>>> print(im("'y'"))
Language feature not supported in environment markers
>>> em('"x"=="x"')
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