Commit 208764c9 authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Reformat docstrings.

Standardize whitespace in function calls.
parent b7ed5395
......@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
def make_tarball (base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip",
verbose=0, dry_run=0):
"""Create a (possibly compressed) tar file from all the files under
'base_dir'. 'compress' must be "gzip" (the default), "compress",
"bzip2", or None. Both "tar" and the compression utility named by
'compress' must be on the default program search path, so this is
probably Unix-specific. The output tar file will be named 'base_dir'
+ ".tar", possibly plus the appropriate compression extension (".gz",
".bz2" or ".Z"). Return the output filename."""
'base_dir'. 'compress' must be "gzip" (the default), "compress",
"bzip2", or None. Both "tar" and the compression utility named by
'compress' must be on the default program search path, so this is
probably Unix-specific. The output tar file will be named 'base_dir' +
".tar", possibly plus the appropriate compression extension (".gz",
".bz2" or ".Z"). Return the output filename.
# XXX GNU tar 1.13 has a nifty option to add a prefix directory.
# It's pretty new, though, so we certainly can't require it --
# but it would be nice to take advantage of it to skip the
......@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ def make_tarball (base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip",
archive_name = base_name + ".tar"
mkpath(os.path.dirname(archive_name), verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
cmd = ["tar", "-cf", archive_name, base_dir]
spawn (cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
spawn(cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
if compress:
spawn ([compress] + compress_flags[compress] + [archive_name],
verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
spawn([compress] + compress_flags[compress] + [archive_name],
verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
return archive_name + compress_ext[compress]
return archive_name
......@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ def make_tarball (base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip",
def make_zipfile (base_name, base_dir, verbose=0, dry_run=0):
"""Create a zip file from all the files under 'base_dir'. The
output zip file will be named 'base_dir' + ".zip". Uses either the
InfoZIP "zip" utility (if installed and found on the default search
path) or the "zipfile" Python module (if available). If neither
tool is available, raises DistutilsExecError. Returns the name
of the output zip file."""
"""Create a zip file from all the files under 'base_dir'. The output
zip file will be named 'base_dir' + ".zip". Uses either the InfoZIP
"zip" utility (if installed and found on the default search path) or
the "zipfile" Python module (if available). If neither tool is
available, raises DistutilsExecError. Returns the name of the output
zip file.
# This initially assumed the Unix 'zip' utility -- but
# apparently InfoZIP's zip.exe works the same under Windows, so
# no changes needed!
......@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ def make_zipfile (base_name, base_dir, verbose=0, dry_run=0):
zip_filename = base_name + ".zip"
mkpath(os.path.dirname(zip_filename), verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
spawn (["zip", "-rq", zip_filename, base_dir],
verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
spawn(["zip", "-rq", zip_filename, base_dir],
verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
except DistutilsExecError:
# XXX really should distinguish between "couldn't find
......@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ def make_zipfile (base_name, base_dir, verbose=0, dry_run=0):
def visit (z, dirname, names):
for name in names:
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, name))
if os.path.isfile (path):
z.write (path, path)
if os.path.isfile(path):
z.write(path, path)
if not dry_run:
z = zipfile.ZipFile (zip_filename, "wb",
z = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, "wb",
os.path.walk (base_dir, visit, z)
os.path.walk(base_dir, visit, z)
return zip_filename
......@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ def make_archive (base_name, format,
if root_dir is not None:
if verbose:
print "changing into '%s'" % root_dir
base_name = os.path.abspath (base_name)
base_name = os.path.abspath(base_name)
if not dry_run:
os.chdir (root_dir)
if base_dir is None:
base_dir = os.curdir
......@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ def make_archive (base_name, format,
func = format_info[0]
for (arg,val) in format_info[1]:
kwargs[arg] = val
filename = apply (func, (base_name, base_dir), kwargs)
filename = apply(func, (base_name, base_dir), kwargs)
if root_dir is not None:
if verbose:
print "changing back to '%s'" % save_cwd
os.chdir (save_cwd)
return filename
......@@ -14,14 +14,13 @@ from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError
def newer (source, target):
"""Return true if 'source' exists and is more recently modified than
'target', or if 'source' exists and 'target' doesn't. Return
false if both exist and 'target' is the same age or younger than
'source'. Raise DistutilsFileError if 'source' does not
if not os.path.exists (source):
'target', or if 'source' exists and 'target' doesn't. Return false if
both exist and 'target' is the same age or younger than 'source'.
Raise DistutilsFileError if 'source' does not exist.
if not os.path.exists(source):
raise DistutilsFileError, "file '%s' does not exist" % source
if not os.path.exists (target):
if not os.path.exists(target):
return 1
from stat import ST_MTIME
......@@ -35,20 +34,20 @@ def newer (source, target):
def newer_pairwise (sources, targets):
"""Walk two filename lists in parallel, testing if each source is newer
than its corresponding target. Return a pair of lists (sources,
targets) where source is newer than target, according to the
semantics of 'newer()'."""
if len (sources) != len (targets):
than its corresponding target. Return a pair of lists (sources,
targets) where source is newer than target, according to the semantics
of 'newer()'.
if len(sources) != len(targets):
raise ValueError, "'sources' and 'targets' must be same length"
# build a pair of lists (sources, targets) where source is newer
n_sources = []
n_targets = []
for i in range (len (sources)):
if newer (sources[i], targets[i]):
n_sources.append (sources[i])
n_targets.append (targets[i])
for i in range(len(sources)):
if newer(sources[i], targets[i]):
return (n_sources, n_targets)
......@@ -56,20 +55,20 @@ def newer_pairwise (sources, targets):
def newer_group (sources, target, missing='error'):
"""Return true if 'target' is out-of-date with respect to any
file listed in 'sources'. In other words, if 'target' exists and
is newer than every file in 'sources', return false; otherwise
return true. 'missing' controls what we do when a source file is
missing; the default ("error") is to blow up with an OSError from
inside 'stat()'; if it is "ignore", we silently drop any missing
source files; if it is "newer", any missing source files make us
assume that 'target' is out-of-date (this is handy in "dry-run"
mode: it'll make you pretend to carry out commands that wouldn't
work because inputs are missing, but that doesn't matter because
you're not actually going to run the commands)."""
"""Return true if 'target' is out-of-date with respect to any file
listed in 'sources'. In other words, if 'target' exists and is newer
than every file in 'sources', return false; otherwise return true.
'missing' controls what we do when a source file is missing; the
default ("error") is to blow up with an OSError from inside 'stat()';
if it is "ignore", we silently drop any missing source files; if it is
"newer", any missing source files make us assume that 'target' is
out-of-date (this is handy in "dry-run" mode: it'll make you pretend to
carry out commands that wouldn't work because inputs are missing, but
that doesn't matter because you're not actually going to run the
# If the target doesn't even exist, then it's definitely out-of-date.
if not os.path.exists (target):
if not os.path.exists(target):
return 1
# Otherwise we have to find out the hard way: if *any* source file
......@@ -77,9 +76,9 @@ def newer_group (sources, target, missing='error'):
# we can immediately return true. If we fall through to the end
# of the loop, then 'target' is up-to-date and we return false.
from stat import ST_MTIME
target_mtime = os.stat (target)[ST_MTIME]
target_mtime = os.stat(target)[ST_MTIME]
for source in sources:
if not os.path.exists (source):
if not os.path.exists(source):
if missing == 'error': # blow up when we stat() the file
elif missing == 'ignore': # missing source dropped from
......@@ -102,13 +101,13 @@ def newer_group (sources, target, missing='error'):
def make_file (src, dst, func, args,
verbose=0, update_message=None, noupdate_message=None):
"""Makes 'dst' from 'src' (both filenames) by calling 'func' with
'args', but only if it needs to: i.e. if 'dst' does not exist or
'src' is newer than 'dst'."""
if newer (src, dst):
'args', but only if it needs to: i.e. if 'dst' does not exist or 'src'
is newer than 'dst'.
if newer(src, dst):
if verbose and update_message:
print update_message
apply (func, args)
apply(func, args)
if verbose and noupdate_message:
print noupdate_message
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