Commit 35fa31fa authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Use inspect.getmro to inspect the mro. Alternate implementation to that proposed in #1092.

parent c452f9fd
* #1092: ``pkg_resources`` now uses ``inspect.getmro`` to
resolve classes in method resolution order.
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import email.parser
import tempfile
import textwrap
import itertools
import inspect
from pkgutil import get_importer
......@@ -2939,20 +2940,20 @@ class Requirement(packaging.requirements.Requirement):
return req
def _get_mro(cls):
"""Get an mro for a type or classic class"""
if not isinstance(cls, type):
class cls(cls, object):
return cls.__mro__[1:]
return cls.__mro__
def _always_object(classes):
Ensure object appears in the mro even
for old-style classes.
if object not in classes:
return classes + (object,)
return classes
def _find_adapter(registry, ob):
"""Return an adapter factory for `ob` from `registry`"""
for t in _get_mro(getattr(ob, '__class__', type(ob))):
types = _always_object(inspect.getmro(getattr(ob, '__class__', type(ob))))
for t in types:
if t in registry:
return registry[t]
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