Commit 378b4011 authored by Jurko Gospodnetić's avatar Jurko Gospodnetić

fix issue202 - update existing zipimporters when replacing a zipped egg

When replacing a zipped egg distribution with a different zipped egg, we make
all existing zipimport.zipimporter loaders valid again instead of having to go
hunting them down one by one. This is done by updating their shared zip
directory information cache - zipimport._zip_directory_cache.

Related to the following project issues:
  #169 -
  #202 -

extra : source : b60beb7792252a39f61d7fc0f58aa04c03ddaba2
parent c7366f28
......@@ -840,23 +840,30 @@ Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again.
dir_util.remove_tree(destination, dry_run=self.dry_run)
elif os.path.exists(destination):
self.execute(os.unlink,(destination,),"Removing "+destination)
if os.path.isdir(egg_path):
if egg_path.startswith(tmpdir):
f,m = shutil.move, "Moving"
new_dist_is_zipped = False
if os.path.isdir(egg_path):
if egg_path.startswith(tmpdir):
f,m = shutil.move, "Moving"
f,m = shutil.copytree, "Copying"
elif self.should_unzip(dist):
f,m = self.unpack_and_compile, "Extracting"
f,m = shutil.copytree, "Copying"
elif self.should_unzip(dist):
f,m = self.unpack_and_compile, "Extracting"
elif egg_path.startswith(tmpdir):
f,m = shutil.move, "Moving"
f,m = shutil.copy2, "Copying"
self.execute(f, (egg_path, destination),
(m+" %s to %s") %
new_dist_is_zipped = True
if egg_path.startswith(tmpdir):
f,m = shutil.move, "Moving"
f,m = shutil.copy2, "Copying"
self.execute(f, (egg_path, destination),
(m+" %s to %s") %
update_dist_caches(destination, fix_zipimporter_caches=False)
return self.egg_distribution(destination)
......@@ -1582,24 +1589,74 @@ def auto_chmod(func, arg, exc):
et, ev, _ = sys.exc_info()
reraise(et, (ev[0], ev[1] + (" %s %s" % (func,arg))))
def uncache_zipdir(path):
def update_dist_caches(dist_path, fix_zipimporter_caches):
Remove any globally cached zip file related data for `path`
Stale zipimport.zipimporter objects need to be removed when a zip file is
replaced as they contain cached zip file directory information. If they are
asked to get data from their zip file, they will use that cached
information to calculate the data location in the zip file. This calculated
location may be incorrect for the replaced zip file, which may in turn
cause the read operation to either fail or return incorrect data.
Note we have no way to clear any local caches from here. That is left up to
whomever is in charge of maintaining that cache.
Fix any globally cached `dist_path` related data
`dist_path` should be a path of a newly installed egg distribution (zipped
or unzipped).
sys.path_importer_cache contains finder objects that have been cached when
importing data from the original distribution. Any such finders need to be
cleared since the replacement distribution might be packaged differently,
e.g. a zipped egg distribution might get replaced with an unzipped egg
folder or vice versa. Having the old finders cached may then cause Python
to attempt loading modules from the replacement distribution using an
incorrect loader.
zipimport.zipimporter objects are Python loaders charged with importing
data packaged inside zip archives. If stale loaders referencing the
original distribution, are left behind, they can fail to load modules from
the replacement distribution. E.g. if an old zipimport.zipimporter instance
is used to load data from a new zipped egg archive, it may cause the
operation to attempt to locate the requested data in the wrong location -
one indicated by the original distribution's zip archive directory
information. Such an operation may then fail outright, e.g. report having
read a 'bad local file header', or even worse, it may fail silently &
return invalid data.
If asked, we can fix all existing zipimport.zipimporter instances instead
of having to track them down and remove them one by one, by updating their
shared cached zip archive directory information. This, of course, assumes
that the replacement distribution is packaged as a zipped egg.
If not asked to fix existing zipimport.zipimporter instances, we do our
best to clear any remaining zipimport.zipimporter related cached data that
might somehow later get used when attempting to load data from the new
distribution and thus cause such load operations to fail. Note that when
tracking down such remaining stale data, we can not catch every possible
usage from here, and we clear only those that we know of and have found to
cause problems if left alive. Any remaining caches should be updated by
whomever is in charge of maintaining them, i.e. they should be ready to
handle us replacing their zip archives with new distributions at runtime.
normalized_path = normalize_path(path)
_uncache(normalized_path, zipimport._zip_directory_cache)
normalized_path = normalize_path(dist_path)
_uncache(normalized_path, sys.path_importer_cache)
if fix_zipimporter_caches:
# Clear the relevant zipimport._zip_directory_cache data. This will not
# remove related zipimport.zipimporter instances but should at least
# not leave the old zip archive directory data behind to be reused by
# some newly created zipimport.zipimporter loaders. Not strictly
# necessary, but left in because this cache clearing was done before
# we started replacing the zipimport._zip_directory_cache if possible,
# and there are no relevent unit tests that we can depend on to tell us
# if this is really needed.
_uncache(normalized_path, zipimport._zip_directory_cache)
# N.B. Other known sources of stale zipimport.zipimporter instances
# that we do not clear here, but might if ever given a reason to do so.
# * Global setuptools pkg_resources.working_set (a.k.a. 'master working
# set') may contain distributions which may in turn contain their
# zipimport.zipimporter loaders.
# * Several zipimport.zipimporter loaders held by local variables
# further up the function call stack when running the setuptools
# installation.
# * Already loaded modules may have their __loader__ attribute set to
# the exact loader instance used when importing them. Python 3.4 docs
# state that this information is intended mostly for introspection
# and so is not expected to cause us problems.
def _uncache(normalized_path, cache):
to_remove = []
......@@ -1612,6 +1669,28 @@ def _uncache(normalized_path, cache):
for p in to_remove:
del cache[p]
def _replace_zip_directory_cache_data(normalized_path):
cache = zipimport._zip_directory_cache
to_update = []
prefix_len = len(normalized_path)
for p in cache:
np = normalize_path(p)
if (np.startswith(normalized_path) and
np[prefix_len:prefix_len + 1] in (os.sep, '')):
# N.B. In theory, we could load the zip directory information just once for
# all updated path spellings, and then copy it locally and update its
# contained path strings to contain the correct spelling, but that seems
# like a way too invasive move (this cache structure is not officially
# documented anywhere and could in theory change with new Python releases)
# for no significant benefit.
for p in to_update:
old_entry = cache.pop(p)
cache[p] = old_entry
def is_python(text, filename='<string>'):
"Is this string a valid Python script?"
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