Commit 43af23dc authored by idle sign's avatar idle sign

Docs update.

parent 6aae9fb3
...@@ -2398,6 +2398,191 @@ The ``upload_docs`` command has the following options: ...@@ -2398,6 +2398,191 @@ The ``upload_docs`` command has the following options: (i.e., the main PyPI installation). (i.e., the main PyPI installation).
Configuring setup() using setup.cfg files
``Setuptools`` allows using configuration files (usually `setup.cfg`)
to define package’s metadata and other options which are normally supplied
to ``setup()`` function.
This approach not only allows automation scenarios, but also reduces
boilerplate code in some cases.
.. note::
Implementation presents limited compatibility with distutils2-like
``setup.cfg`` sections (used by ``pbr`` and ``d2to1`` packages).
Namely: only metadata related keys from ``metadata`` section are supported
(except for ``description-file``); keys from ``files``, ``entry_points``
and ``backwards_compat`` are not supported.
.. code-block:: ini
name = my_package
version = attr: src.VERSION
description = My package description
long_description = file: README.rst
keywords = one, two
license = BSD 3-Clause License
Framework :: Django
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
zip_safe = False
include_package_data = True
packages = find:
scripts =
* = *.txt, *.rst
hello = *.msg
pdf = ReportLab>=1.2; RXP
rest = docutils>=0.3; pack ==1.1, ==1.3
Metadata and options could be set in sections with the same names.
* Keys are the same as keyword arguments one provides to ``setup()`` function.
* Complex values could be placed comma-separated or one per line
in *dangling* sections. The following are the same:
.. code-block:: ini
keywords = one, two
keywords =
* In some cases complex values could be provided in subsections for clarity.
* Some keys allow ``file:``, ``attr:`` and ``find:`` directives to cover
common usecases.
* Unknown keys are ignored.
Specifying values
Some values are treated as simple strings, some allow more logic.
Type names used below:
* ``str`` - simple string
* ``list-comma`` - dangling list or comma-separated values string
* ``list-semi`` - dangling list or semicolon-separated values string
* ``bool`` - ``True`` is 1, yes, true
* ``dict`` - list-comma where keys from values are separated by =
Special directives:
* ``attr:`` - value could be read from module attribute
* ``file:`` - value could be read from a file
* ``section:`` - values could be read from a dedicated (sub)section
.. note::
``file:`` directive is sandboxed and won't reach anything outside
directory with ````.
.. note::
Aliases given below are supported for compatibility reasons,
but not advised.
================= ================= =====
Key Aliases Accepted value type
================= ================= =====
name str
version attr:, str
url home-page str
download_url download-url str
author str
author_email author-email str
maintainer str
maintainer_email maintainer-email str
classifiers classifier file:, section, list-comma
license file:, str
description summary file:, str
long_description long-description file:, str
keywords list-comma
platforms platform list-comma
provides list-comma
requires list-comma
obsoletes list-comma
================= ================= =====
**version** - ``attr:`` supports callables; supports iterables;
unsupported types are casted using ``str()``.
======================= =====
Key Accepted value type
======================= =====
zip_safe bool
setup_requires list-semi
install_requires list-semi
extras_require section
entry_points file, section
use_2to3 bool
use_2to3_fixers list-comma
use_2to3_exclude_fixers list-comma
convert_2to3_doctests list-comma
scripts list-comma
eager_resources list-comma
dependency_links list-comma
tests_require list-semi
include_package_data bool
packages find:, list-comma
package_dir dict
package_data section
exclude_package_data section
namespace_packages list-comma
======================= =====
Configuration API
Some automation tools may wish to access data from a configuration file.
``Setuptools`` exposes ``read_configuration()`` function allowing
parsing ``metadata`` and ``options`` sections into a dictionary.
.. code-block:: python
from setuptools.config import read_configuration
conf_dict = read_configuration('/home/user/dev/package/setup.cfg')
By default ``read_configuration()`` will read only file provided
in the first argument. To include values from other configuration files
which could be in various places set `find_others` function argument
to ``True``.
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
Extending and Reusing Setuptools Extending and Reusing Setuptools
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