Commit 578d2eca authored by alvyjudy's avatar alvyjudy

initial draft for build_meta documentation

parent 3aeec3f0
Documentation to setuptools.build_meta
What is it?
Setuptools, or Python packaging in general, has faced many
`criticism <>`_ and
`PEP517 <>`_ attempts to fix this
issue by ``get distutils-sig out of the business of being a gatekeeper for
Python build system``.
A quick overview on the `current state of Python packaging
<>`_. The ``distutils``
package specified the de facto standard way to bundle up your packages::
And then you run ``python bdist`` and compressed ``.tar.gz`` will be
available for distribution.
Following this tradition, several other enhancements have been made: ``pip``
was created and user can run ``pip install`` on their downloaded distribution
file and it will be installed. ``wheel`` format was created to minimize the
build process for C extension. ``PyPI`` and ``twine`` then made it easier to
upload and download the distribution and finally ``setuptools`` extends the
original ``distutils`` and emcompass everything else and become the standard
way for Python packaging. (check the timeline for accuracy)
I'll skip the many downsides and complexity that came with the development
of setuptools. PEP517 aims to solve these issues by specifying a new
standardized way to distribute your packages which is not as compatible as
the setuptools module.
```` therefore acts as an adaptor to the PEP517 and the existing
How to use it?
Starting with a package that you want to distribute. You will need your source
scripts, a ``pyproject.toml`` file and a ``setup.cfg`` file.
The pyproject.toml file is required by PEP517 and PEP518 to specify the build
system (i.e. what is being used to package your scripts). To use it with
setuptools, the content would be::
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
build-backend = ""
The setup.cfg is used to specify your package information (essentially
replacing, specified on setuptools `documentation <https://
using-setup-cfg-files>`_ ::
name = meowpkg
version = 0.0.1
description = a package that meows
packages = find:
Now it's time to actually generate the distribution. PEP517 specifies two
mandatory functions, ``build_wheel`` and ``build_sdist``, implemented in
this module. Currently, it has to be done in the interpreter::
>>> import setuptools.build_meta
>>> setuptools.build_meta.build_wheel('wheel_dist')
And now it's done! The ``.whl`` file and ``.tar.gz`` can then be distributed
and installed!
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