Commit 57d6e0fc authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Deprecated use_setuptools. Fixes #336.

parent 2436fdf2
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Bootstrap setuptools installation.
To use setuptools in your package's, include this
file in the same directory and add this to the top of your
from ez_setup import use_setuptools
To require a specific version of setuptools, set a download
mirror, or use an alternate download directory, simply supply
the appropriate options to ``use_setuptools()``.
Setuptools bootstrapping installer.
This file can also be run as a script to install or upgrade setuptools.
Run this script to install or upgrade setuptools.
import os
......@@ -25,6 +16,7 @@ import subprocess
import platform
import textwrap
import contextlib
import warnings
from distutils import log
......@@ -142,10 +134,15 @@ def use_setuptools(
version=DEFAULT_VERSION, download_base=DEFAULT_URL,
to_dir=os.curdir, download_delay=15):
Download, install, and import Setuptools.
*deprecated* Download, install, and import Setuptools.
Return None.
"`use_setuptools` is deprecated. To enforce a specific "
"version of setuptools, use `pkg_resources.require`.",
to_dir = os.path.abspath(to_dir)
rep_modules = 'pkg_resources', 'setuptools'
imported = set(sys.modules).intersection(rep_modules)
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