Commit 6b078889 authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Extract resolution of registry paths into a RegistryInfo object.

parent 9919fdfa
......@@ -130,26 +130,57 @@ class PlatformInfo:
return path
class RegistryInfo:
def __init__(self, platform_info, version):
self.platform_info = platform_info
self.version = version
def microsoft(self):
return os.path.join(
'' if self.platform_info.current_is_x86() else 'Wow6432Node',
def sxs(self):
return os.path.join(, r'VisualStudio\SxS')
def vc(self):
return os.path.join(self.sxs, 'VC7')
def vs(self):
return os.path.join(self.sxs, 'VS7')
def vc_for_python(self):
path = r'DevDiv\VCForPython\%0.1f' % self.version
return os.path.join(, path)
def windows_sdk(self):
return os.path.join(, r'Microsoft SDKs\Windows')
def lookup(self, base, key):
return distutils.msvc9compiler.Reg.get_value(base, key)
def _query_vcvarsall(version, arch):
Return environment variables for specified Microsoft Visual C++ version
and platform.
pi = PlatformInfo(arch)
# Set registry base paths
reg_value = distutils.msvc9compiler.Reg.get_value
node = r'\Wow6432Node' if not pi.current_is_x86() else ''
VsReg = r'Software%s\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7' % node
VcReg = r'Software%s\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7' % node
VcForPythonReg = r'Software%s\Microsoft\DevDiv\VCForPython\%0.1f' %\
(node, version)
WindowsSdkReg = r'Software%s\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows' % node
reg = RegistryInfo(pi, version)
reg_value = reg.lookup
# Find Microsoft Visual Studio directory
# Try to get it from registry
VsInstallDir = reg_value(VsReg, '%0.1f' % version)
VsInstallDir = reg_value(reg.vs, '%0.1f' % version)
except KeyError:
# If fail, use default path
name = 'Microsoft Visual Studio %0.1f' % version
......@@ -158,11 +189,11 @@ def _query_vcvarsall(version, arch):
# Find Microsoft Visual C++ directory
# Try to get it from registry
VcInstallDir = reg_value(VcReg, '%0.1f' % version)
VcInstallDir = reg_value(, '%0.1f' % version)
except KeyError:
# Try to get "VC++ for Python" version from registry
install_base = reg_value(VcForPythonReg, 'installdir')
install_base = reg_value(reg.vc_for_python, 'installdir')
VcInstallDir = os.path.join(install_base, 'VC')
except KeyError:
# If fail, use default path
......@@ -183,7 +214,7 @@ def _query_vcvarsall(version, arch):
for ver in WindowsSdkVer:
# Try to get it from registry
loc = os.path.join(WindowsSdkReg, 'v%s' % ver)
loc = os.path.join(reg.windows_sdk, 'v%s' % ver)
WindowsSdkDir = reg_value(loc, 'installationfolder')
except KeyError:
......@@ -191,7 +222,7 @@ def _query_vcvarsall(version, arch):
if not WindowsSdkDir or not os.path.isdir(WindowsSdkDir):
# Try to get "VC++ for Python" version from registry
install_base = reg_value(VcForPythonReg, 'installdir')
install_base = reg_value(reg.vc_for_python, 'installdir')
WindowsSdkDir = os.path.join(install_base, 'WinSDK')
......@@ -209,7 +240,7 @@ def _query_vcvarsall(version, arch):
# Find Microsoft .NET Framework 32bit directory
# Try to get it from registry
FrameworkDir32 = reg_value(VcReg, 'frameworkdir32')
FrameworkDir32 = reg_value(, 'frameworkdir32')
except KeyError:
# If fail, use default path
FrameworkDir32 = os.path.join(pi.win_dir, r'Microsoft.NET\Framework')
......@@ -217,7 +248,7 @@ def _query_vcvarsall(version, arch):
# Find Microsoft .NET Framework 64bit directory
# Try to get it from registry
FrameworkDir64 = reg_value(VcReg, 'frameworkdir64')
FrameworkDir64 = reg_value(, 'frameworkdir64')
except KeyError:
# If fail, use default path
FrameworkDir64 = os.path.join(pi.win_dir, r'Microsoft.NET\Framework64')
......@@ -226,7 +257,7 @@ def _query_vcvarsall(version, arch):
if version == 10.0:
# Try to get v4 from registry
v4 = reg_value(VcReg, 'frameworkver32')
v4 = reg_value(, 'frameworkver32')
if v4.lower()[:2] != 'v4':
raise KeyError('Not the V4')
except KeyError:
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