Commit 6f01576b authored by tarek's avatar tarek

uses distutils install schemes now

branch : distribute
extra : rebase_source : fe92fa9e0949f11f27bbc94197fc812ed841dccf
parent e197e57d
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import shutil
import tempfile
import subprocess
import sys
from distutils.command.install import INSTALL_SCHEMES
from string import Template
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
from urllib2 import urlopen
......@@ -37,17 +39,27 @@ eggs =
PYVER = sys.version.split()[0][:3]
_VARS = {'base': '.',
'py_version_short': PYVER}
if sys.platform == 'win32':
PURELIB = INSTALL_SCHEMES['nt']['purelib']
PURELIB = INSTALL_SCHEMES['unix_prefix']['purelib']
def test_virtualenv():
"""virtualenv with distribute"""
purelib = os.path.abspath(Template(PURELIB).substitute(**_VARS))
os.system('virtualenv --no-site-packages . --distribute')
os.system('bin/easy_install -q distribute==dev')
# linux specific
site_pkg = os.listdir(os.path.join('.', 'lib', 'python'+PYVER, 'site-packages'))
site_pkg = os.listdir(purelib)
assert 'distribute' in site_pkg[0]
easy_install = os.path.join('.', 'lib', 'python'+PYVER, 'site-packages',
easy_install = os.path.join(purelib, 'easy-install.pth')
with open(easy_install) as f:
res =
assert 'distribute' in res
......@@ -74,7 +86,7 @@ def test_full():
assert len(eggs) == 3
assert eggs[0].startswith('distribute')
assert eggs[1:] == ['extensions-0.3-py2.6.egg',
if __name__ == '__main__':
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