Commit 77b7c39d authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Extracted _all_dirs and rewrote _find_packages_iter as a proper iterator.

parent 53ee4c9c
......@@ -53,21 +53,24 @@ def find_packages(where='.', exclude=(), include=('*',)):
out = filterfalse(excludes, out)
return list(out)
def _find_packages_iter(where):
out = []
stack=[(where, '')]
while stack:
where,prefix = stack.pop(0)
dirs = _dirs(where)
suitable = filterfalse(lambda n: '.' in n, dirs)
paths = (os.path.join(where, name) for name in suitable)
packages = filter(_looks_like_package, paths)
for path in packages:
name = os.path.basename(path)
pkg_name = prefix + name
stack.append((path, pkg_name + '.'))
return out
def _all_dirs(base_path):
Return all dirs in base_path, relative to base_path
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path):
for dir in dirs:
yield os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, dir), base_path)
def _find_packages_iter(base_path):
dirs = _all_dirs(base_path)
suitable = filterfalse(lambda n: '.' in n, dirs)
packages = (
for path in suitable
if _looks_like_package(os.path.join(base_path, path))
for pkg_path in packages:
yield pkg_path.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
def _looks_like_package(path):
return (
......@@ -75,16 +78,6 @@ def _looks_like_package(path):
or sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3) # PEP 420
def _dirs(target):
Return all directories in target
return (
for fn in os.listdir(target)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target, fn))
def _build_filter(*patterns):
Given a list of patterns, return a callable that will be true only if
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