Commit 9b4f2041 authored by Tarek Ziade's avatar Tarek Ziade

removing the easy_install installation process -- too much problem with...

removing the easy_install installation process -- too much problem with sandboxing violations through easy_install

branch : distribute
extra : rebase_source : e1528eb57170fd7dc5edf318eb56f0e7683c3332
parent 2cb36ad9
......@@ -68,9 +68,8 @@ Installation Instructions
Distribute is only released as a source distribution.
It can be installed using easy_install or pip, and can be done so with the source
tarball, the eggs distribution, or by using the ```` script
provided online.
It can be installed using pip, and can be done so with the source tarball,
or by using the ```` script provided online.
```` is the simplest and preferred way on all systems.
......@@ -88,20 +87,13 @@ If your shell has the ``curl`` program you can do::
Notice this file is also provided in the source release.
easy_install or pip
Run easy_install or pip::
$ easy_install -U distribute
$ pip install distribute
If you want to install the latest dev version, you can also run::
$ easy_install -U distribute==dev
This will get the latest development version at:
Source installation
......@@ -128,8 +120,6 @@ Distribute is installed in three steps:
Distribute can be removed like this:
- run ``easy_install -m Distribute``. This will remove the Distribute reference
from ``easy-install.pth``. Otherwise, edit the file and remove it yourself.
- remove the ``distribute*.egg`` file located in your site-packages directory
- remove the ``setuptools.pth`` file located in you site-packages directory
- remove the easy_install script located in you ``sys.prefix/bin`` directory
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