Commit b0b9dae6 authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Allow disabling of the sys.path rewrite technique using an environment variable.

parent e2124f4d
......@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
* Setuptools now allows disabling of the manipulation of the sys.path
during the processing of the easy-install.pth file. To do so, set
the environment variable ``SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE`` to
anything but "rewrite" (consider "raw"). During any install operation
with manipulation disabled, setuptools packages will be appended to
sys.path naturally.
Future versions may change the default behavior to disable
manipulation. If so, the default behavior can be retained by setting
the variable to "rewrite".
......@@ -1612,7 +1612,8 @@ class RewritePthDistributions(PthDistributions):
PthDistributions = RewritePthDistributions
if os.environ.get('SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE', 'rewrite') == 'rewrite':
PthDistributions = RewritePthDistributions
def _first_line_re():
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